Page 71 of Forbidden

“You did the right thing. I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to start over.” My soul ached for what he and Julia had lived through. All this time, I’d thought Julia had a perfect life, yet she’d lost her marriage to a monster and probably carried a horrible amount of guilt for what Rick had done to her son.

“Now that you know where and who I come from, I’ll ask once more. Are you sure you want to be with me?”

Fear clung to his words, his expression revealing his vulnerability briefly before the stoic mask slipped into place. My emotions shifted through the different flavors of confusion, hurt, then anger at the injustice of our situation until there was nothing else left to express.

And I was well aware that this was it. The following words I spoke would set the rest of our relationship into motion one way or the other. We either moved forward, or we said goodbye.


“Before I can answer you honestly, I need to know one thing. Have you made a decision about the MC?” I had to have the final piece of information before I made my choice.

“If you stay with me, and we plan a future together like I want to, I won’t patch in, Shae. I’ve had time to think about it, and it’s been on my mind since I got shot. King and the guys will still be in my life, though. If you can deal with that, then I choose you.”

“Really?” My chest swelled with love, but I still had to ask the difficult question. I had to know if he was sure. “Are you going to be happy walking away from that life? You can’t choose me, then be miserable. It’s no way to live our lives, Cole.”

“If you’re okay with me taking off with them a few times a year to ride and hang, then yeah. King is my uncle, so I’ll always be connected to him and the MC. I’m all in with you. But are you?”

“You’re such an asshole.” I licked my lips, tasting the salt from my tears. I swiped my damp skin and blew out a heavy sigh. My attention bounced around the room, recalling how our story had started only a few months ago. Now, he was asking if I wanted to be with him on every level.

“Yeah, but you’ve known that about me.” He stared at his lap, waiting for me to commit or leave.

“Yeah, well you’re an asshole who owns my heart, and I can’t walk away from you, Cole. I want you. I want a future with you. I know someone’s past can shape who they are, and you have some doubts, but I see who you are—brave, strong, protective—everything I want in a guy. Everything that I love so much about you.” I smiled at him, feeling a little shy about laying my feelings out on the table. “I really want to jump on top of you and snuggle. I need you to hold me, Cole.”

“Haven’t you realized by now that I will move heaven and earth to give you what you need, Shae?” He grinned. “Grab the pillows from the stack behind me but leave one.”

I quickly helped him and watched as he laid down. “Come here.” He moved his arm to the side, and I snuggled up to him, my head on his chest. Sometimes words weren’t necessary, and we settled into a comfortable silence. Cole had shared the dark demons that haunted him, and all I wanted was to love him for trusting me and allowing me a glimpse of the moments that had defined who he was.

His steady breathing lulled me into a peace I hadn’t experienced in a while. “I love you, Cole.”

“You, too, baby.” He rubbed my shoulder until my eyes fluttered closed, and I drifted off to sleep.


The next three days passed without a word concerning Rick. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that King would take care of the situation. I was just eager for it to be over. As Cole continued to heal, he was ready to get out of the house, but even if Zayne or Vaughn drove us, Julia said it wasn’t safe. We’d certainly lived through enough Hell, but my patience was wearing extremely thin, and I was about to find Rick myself and end his sorry life.

Cole and I had watched an unhealthy amount of movies and Netflix. I texted and talked to Zoe and Natalie daily. Zoe offered to keep the girls updated for me, so my phone wasn’t constantly blowing up with a group chat. I was excited to see my friends again, though. I was curious to know if Isabel had a date with Remington yet.

“I have to get out of bed, babe.” Cole carefully pulled himself into a sitting position. His hair was messy in a sexy kind of way, and I couldn’t wait to run my fingers through it.

With each passing day, he grew stronger and could move more. It had also been a change to see him wear basketball shorts all summer instead of jeans, but they were more comfortable, and he wasn’t on his motorcycle.

“Do you want to go downstairs and see what Annabelle is making for dinner?” My stomach growled, revealing my true intentions.

Cole chuckled, then stood and straightened fully. The doctor had placed him on light activities for another week, then he could begin lifting things and walk a lot more.

The start of school was right around the corner, too, and we were both eager to start a routine that included dates, parties, and classes. I craved normal, especially since Daddy had lifted the restriction off my credit card. He said I’d handled the life changes so well that I’d proved I could be trusted again. I was way happier over earning Daddy’s respect back than the money, but it would be nice to know the funds were available.

Cole used the wall and slowly descended the stairs while I followed, giving him some space.

“I know that Annabelle is cooking, but sushi sounds so good right now.” I rubbed my belly as it growled again.

“It does. I’ll call in an order from your favorite spot,” Cole offered when he reached the bottom of the steps. He kissed me, then threaded his fingers through mine.

“Thanks.” I beamed at him. “Do you want to eat in the kitchen or upstairs?”

“Kitchen. I need a change of scenery.” He led the way, our bare feet smacking the cool-to-the-touch marble floors.

“Goddammit,” Daddy’s voice carried from his office.