Stacey’s heart jumped. With all the drama of her weekend, she almost forgot she’d had the interview. Thinking back now, she thought about the feeling she got on the floor and the good vibe that filled her entire being. “I really loved it, surprisingly.”
“Well, they really loved you and wanted to know if we’d be willing to let you go early. They want you to start Friday and work the weekend.”
Stacey’s eyes popped, and her mouth fell open. “Really? Friday?” She dug through her feelings. Did she want that this soon? Surprisingly, yes. Yes, she did. Her heart beat faster. A bigger hospital. There was so much more action and people. It would push her as a nurse. She was so ready for this. She raised her brow.Wasn’t that Dr. Hensley’s reasoning for putting my name in for the job?One corner of her mouth ticked up.Thank you, Dr. Hensley.“Yes, I’d love to work there. And starting Friday? Absolutely.” Stacey stood.
Nancy gave her a squeeze. “I’m so proud of you. You’ll be using your amazing gifts at a hospital that will help you grow. That is such a great opportunity.”
Stacey was on cloud nine.
Wednesday night, when work was finished, there was a cake celebrating those who were moving on to something bigger.
Stacey entered the break room with Karolyn, who had accepted a job on a different floor of County. Many of the staff were standing around, enjoying the celebration. Stacey, still flying high after a very busy week, picked up a slice of chocolate cake and talked with some co-workers.
“Excuse me, Nurse Kempt. Can we talk?”
Stacey’s heart picked up speed. Dr. Hensley. What’s she doing here? “Sure.” Stacey placed her plate in the trash and followed the doctor out of the room, wiping her hands on the butt of her scrubs. She took a deep breath. Calm down.
Doctor Hensley stopped in the next empty room. “I’m glad to hear you accepted the job.”
“Thank you. I start on Friday. I’m really looking forward to it. I enjoyed my experience last week when I visited for my interview.” Stacy couldn’t keep the excitement from her voice. Her eyes met the doctor’s. “I need to tell you thank you for putting my name out there. I really appreciate it.” Stacey meant it.
Doctor Hensley put her hand up. “Don’t thank me. You deserved it. Your record is
impressive. The larger hospitals need your kind of talent to better serve their patients.”
This woman thought she could add something real to a larger hospital. Stacey’s chin jutted up, and her face beamed. Someone noticed her work.
“There’s something else we need to discuss, and it isn’t hospital related.”
The lump that Stacey was trying hard to ignore started rising again.
Dr. Hensley’s expression changed. It softened. “I want to talk with you personally about Tristan. Will you give me a minute?”
This was a bit weird, a personal conversation with a higher-up at work. Stacey nodded.
Dr. Hensley gave her a small smile and a nod. “When my sister passed, there was no doubt my husband and I were going to keep Tristan and raise him as our own. He’s a great young man.” The doctor’s eyes rose to meet Stacey’s. “He has never given his heart away lightly. I know that because we haven’t met many girls he’s dated. Unlike Adler, Tristan doesn’t date often. His heart is much more guarded. I don’t know what happened, but I know that since the family picnic, he’s been by himself and quieter than he has been in months. If he contacts you again, please give him a chance to explain himself. He’s worth it.” Doctor Hensley reached out and touched Stacey’s arm. “Good luck Friday. The hospital is lucky to have you.”
“Thank you, and I will.” Wow. She is really nice. Stacey watched as she walked away. Did Tristan talk to his aunt? Why hadn’t he contacted her yet? Stacey pulled her phone from her pocket and scrolled until she found her text with Tristan. Her last one was still not answered.
Can we talk? She typed in.
She stopped and looked at the words. If he wanted to talk, wouldn’t he have texted her?
She let out a sigh and deleted it.
Jacob and Kristen’s cars weren’t the only ones in her driveway when she pulled in.
What the hell?
She walked in, and the kitchen was filled with her friends. Elizabeth, Jessica, Kristen, and Desiree.
Her eyes froze on Desiree. She only came by for birthdays or large get-togethers. She was never a part of their small friend circle. Everyone else, she could understand. They are always in each other’s business, like friends usually are.
Ignoring their presence, she walked to the refrigerator to get out a Diet Coke, popped the top, and leaned against the counter taking a deep drink. Finally, she looked at them and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Surprise!” They all yelled. They stepped away from the table. There was a cake sitting there.
What is this? She was so focused on them getting into her business that she didn’t think they would be planning anything. “A cake?” Printed on the cake was, “Here’s to bigger and better things. Congratulations!”