Page 63 of Your Love is Enough

“Oh, my God. This is awesome. Thank you.” Stacey’s face was ear to ear grin. “I didn’t get to finish my cake at work, so let’s dig in. Someone make coffee.”

“Already done.” Kristen brought over the carafe, and half n half.

Elizabeth cut the cake while Jessica passed them around the table. The girls sat and ate very large pieces of cake.

“Liz, these pieces are huge.” Jessica’s eyes were as large as the cake.

“Yeah, well, eat as much as you want. I’m looking forward to eating all of mine. I need to eat something. I’m working hard to get into my dress and am tired of salad and chicken.”

“So, how are your wedding plans going?” Stacey asked.

They spent the next few minutes talking about Elizabeth and Brady’s wedding. Jessica, the maid of honor, was filling them in on what the bridesmaids were going to wear. Desiree discussed the cake and food.

“I asked Adler to go with me,” Desiree said.

“Damn, Des,” said Kristen. “You’ve been seeing Adler?”

“Since Friday night. Spent all weekend with him.” Desiree’s look was pure mischief.

“You’ve got good taste,” Jessica informed her.

Stacey’s body felt numb. She looked up. “You’re not going to last that long. He doesn’t stay with one girl.”Where did that come from, Stacey?

Desiree stood up. “Look, just because you’re making the worst choice of your life and ditching Tristan for no reason…”

What! Desiree knew nothing about what was going on with her and Tristan. “No, reason? What do you know about what happened?” Her eyes welled up with tears, and when she spoke her voice was thick with emotion. “He lied to me.” The words tore from her chest. “I loved him, and he lied.” Tears spilled down her cheeks.

“Stace.” Kristen’s arms wrapped her in a cocoon of warmth. “What he did was shitty. I agree. He should have told you about his aunt, but he didn’t lie. I know you love him. That’s why you’re hurting so much.” Stacey cried on Kristen’s shoulder. This was the first time since college she cried like this over a guy. But this seemed so much different.

“It’s okay to love, Stacey. And sometimes love hurts. It hurts bad.” Elizabeth wrapped them both in her arms. “Trust me. I know from recent experience.”

Stacey pulled away and started wiping at her tears.

Desiree’s voice was softer. “I know for a fact he really wants to talk. He just got a phone yesterday.”

“What are you talking about?” Stacey gave Desiree a blank look.

“Well, to make a long story short, when he came back Saturday night, he threw his phone against the wall, and it shattered.”

Stacey blinked rapidly.He broke his phone.Her jaw dropped.

Desiree snickered. “Yeah. You did that. See how upset he is?”

Jessica laughed. “He’s either upset or has major anger issues.”

“Well, either way, he’s wanting to talk.” Desiree focused on Stacey, her brows up.

Stacey’s pulse picked up speed. “How do you know?” She needed to make sure her heart wasn’t racing for no reason.

“Adler and I were sitting by the pool last night talking to him. He’s not sure what exactly happened, and he’s miserable.” Desiree’s phone pinged. She glanced at it. “It’s Adler. He wants to know if I’ve talked to you yet. So? Do you want to talk to him?” Desiree’s eyes questioned Stacey’s.

Yes. More than anything.She looked around at all the faces. They all held encouragement. She nodded. “Yes.”

Desiree texted something back.

Almost immediately, Stacey’s phone pinged. Her heart leaped in her chest.

Holy shit!It was Tristan. She looked at her friends. Her eyes were wide. “He wants to come over now.” Her pulse started racing.