“Happy to be of service.” I huffed a laugh.
“How did you manage not to slap that smug smile off his face? Please tell me. I feel like I could learn more from you than my anger management support group.”
“Uh, well, I need him to approve all the permits for my shop. And our moms are friends, but you already knew that part.”
She nodded sagely. “Ahh, so it’s just a matter of time. I totally get that. Watch out for him though. He’s a wannabe heartbreaker. He’s basically a giant douche bag with some bizarro agenda to find the perfect trophy wife. You should hear the shit he says when he thinks people aren’t listening.” She glanced at me pointedly.
The Stop and Go and Violet’s shop were the two main gossip hubs in town. Every piece of Sweetbriar news filtered through both places at some point.
My blood ran cold as I contemplated her words. “What do you mean?”
“The things that go around town about you don’t come from where you think they do anymore. Basically, Ava and Maren are busy living their own sad little lives now, is what I’m saying. Now, Jared on the other hand, is used to getting what he wants in this town but there is one thing he hasn’t had yet, right? And that’syou.”
“Are you saying Jared says shit about me? Why would he do that if he wants to date me?”
“I can’t confirm anything yet,” she answered. “But I’m pretty sure that a lot of it comes from him and it started before you left town. No one wants to date the ‘Sweetbriar slut,’ right? He’s trying to eliminate the competition.”
“Ohhhhhh, that makes so much sense, that rotten little shit. Don’t say a word about this to anyone. I need him for now. But when I don’t—”
She snickered at my tone. “Lord help that motherfucker when you don’t need him. Am I right?”
“Damn straight.Ugh!”
Thankfully, I made it home without rage-speeding or finding Jared to run him over. Liam’s truck was gone when I got here. After pulling into the garage, my phone pinged with a text.
LIAM: A pipe burst on one of Luke’s projects. I’ll be working with him today. When you get home, lock up, set the alarm, and don’t let anyone but family in. Okay?
Protective or bossy?
I decided he was protective and let the warm tingles flow through me along with asqueeof satisfaction that I had a man in my life who actually cared about me. Unlike Jared, the piece of crap dumbass who thought I was stupid enough to fall for his shit.
ME: Yes, sir. LOL
LIAM: Good girl. If I don’t see you tonight, know that I’m knee deep in a flooded warehouse with Luke.
Good girl?
Why was that so hot?
And why was I contemplating ways to get him to say that phrase out loud? A shiver ran through me as I unlocked the interior door and headed into the kitchen.
I spent the rest of the day going through my boxes of supplies for the shop. Oils, herbs I’d ordered to use until I had enough of what I had grown in the garden, along with all the things I would need to package them up covered the counter as I sorted through my purchases. Then I gathered my laptop and a notebook to make lists and plans for a menu. I wanted my shop to be more than somewhere to just buy stuff; I wanted it to be a gathering place as well. Rosemary’s Apothecary was shaping up to be just the thing I needed.
Time flew as I worked. Next thing I knew, it was nighttime and I was starving. The sheer curtains in the kitchen did nothing to hide the dark outside and I shivered as I imagined what could be lurking outside the house while I was in here all alone like a sitting duck.
Or a hiker by herself in a flimsy tent.
I couldn’t decide if I should run upstairs and hide, get in my car and leave, or call someone to come here and be with me. None of it sounded good. So I sat at the table keeping vigil at the window, staring into the dark and waiting for something to happen as my panicked imagination ran wild.
Suddenly my cell rang, breaking me out of whatever freaked-out trance I’d fallen into. I fumbled for it, cursing as it skidded across the table.
It was Asher, the oldest of my siblings. I checked the time. It was exactly nine PM. He called to check on me and tell me goodnight every night because he knew I needed it.
“Hello. Ash?” I burst into tears, unable to cope with the intrusive thoughts that had taken over my mind. “Can you come get me?”