Page 49 of Heart to Heart



Okay, so technically last Sunday was my first andonlynight at the house. And I didn’t even sleep until it was daylight, after Liam had tucked me in.

I’d been crashing at Asher’s place for the last couple days. It was embarrassing and I didn’t want anyone to know.

I was scared of the dark, afraid to be alone, and drowning in the humiliation of it all. I was hoping I could spend a few nights here with Ash and get my head together before anyone had to find out what a chicken-shit I had become.

Asher was the one sibling I had who would never say a word about anything to anyone, ever. Sometimes I wondered how many of our secrets he knew, but it would be pointless to ask because he’d never tell. He was divorced, so there was no wifey around to spill my beans to and Mark and Mara were with his ex for the week, so I didn’t have to worry about them blabbing my scaredy-cat secret either.

I had it all covered. I got up extra early to head to the house so I could have coffee and kisses with Liam before he got to work building stuff and fixing things, and whatever else he did all day. After, I’d head over to Violet’s to help her with the morning rush at the shop then go back to the house to work on my garden. Once Liam finished my work room, I’d start creating inventory.

But for now, it was dinnertime on day two of Holly’s Humiliating Hideout at Asher’s House Adventure and I wasn’t ready to go home yet.

He and I were at his kitchen table playing poker while the food cooked. He had taught me how to make Mom’s meatloaf. It wasn’t as hard as I thought, but it was gross having my hands in all that ground beef.And I was correct the other day with Jude and Levi; mashed potatoes were indeed, easy.

“How long are you planning to keep this secret up?” he asked. “Not that I mind you staying here, but Mark and Mara will be back next week.” Ash was as tall as Liam, but slimmer with bright red hair like Lily and Rose. He was sweet, protective, and most importantly, had an empty guest room and the ability to keep his mouth shut.

“I don’t know, I’ll guess I’ll go home when Mark and Mara come back. They can’t keep a secret worth a damn.”

“You got that right. You doing okay?”

“Yeah, I’m totally fine.”

His tone softened as he said, “Well, I know you’re not since you’re here, don’t I?”

I hid my face in my hands. “I’m sorry you guys spent all that money fixing my place up—”

“You know that’s not what this is about.”

I jumped as someone knocked on the door. “Yo, Ash. Open up. I see your lights on.”

“Crap, it’s Cade!” I squealed. “I have to hide.”

“Holly, open up, honey.”

I cringed. “Dang it, it’s dad too.”

“Do you honestly believe I don’t know you’re in there, Holly?” Cade shouted through Ash’s kitchen door.

“What the hell, Ash?” I accused. “You ratted me out?”

He put his hands up at his sides and laughed. “I didn’t say anything. You’re shit at being sneaky and they’re both cops.”


I unlocked the door, and they came striding inside.

“Why are you here? Is everything okay? How are things with Liam going?” Cade peppered me with questions.

“Go easy on each other, you hear?” my dad warned us. Cade and I were known to butt heads from time to time.

I sank back into my chair and picked up my cards without answering. Ash and I were playing for M&M’s, and I was winning.

“Well?” he prodded.

I glared up at him. “Oh, I don’t know, things with Liam are probably going about the same way things are going for you and your ex-wife.” I offered him a saccharine-sweet smile. “How is Charlotte, by the way? And don’t pretend you don’t know how she is, because I have already heard otherwise from multiple sources.”