“I don’t have a boyfriend. Gram is just trying her hand at matchmaking, like Violet. Right, Gram?”
She shrugged.
“Are you dating him?”
“No. Like I told you before, I’m not ready to jump back into the dating world yet.”
“Oh, but sweetie, this won’t be a date.” He sifted his fingers through the ends of my hair, and I wanted to slug him like I’d just done to Owen, but I restrained myself and instead took a step back. “This is business, remember?”
Think of the permits. Think of Gram. Think of my future adorable and awesome apothecary store and do not punch him in his fucking face.I dug my fingernails into my hand as I tried to keep my rapidly unraveling temper in check.
“Ahh, strictly business. I see.” Gram had always been suspicious of him, and it made me feel validated. Everyone in town adored Jared, even my own family. I’d always felt kind of bad that I didn’t. “Then you won’t mind if I tag along with you? This is my shop too, after all.”
Jared paused, visibly struggling with what to say. His weak smile didn’t reach his eyes, and his response was half-hearted. “Of course I don’t mind. I’ll pick you ladies up the morning of. Around 8?” He handed me a manila envelope. “Have Luke look these over.”
“Sounds good. Thanks for thinking of us, Jared.”
He passed my mother on the walkway as he left. “Mrs. Barrett.” He nodded to her then got into his car.
“I didn’t realize you two were the hanging-out-together type of friends,” she observed as she entered. Gram locked the door and reprogrammed the alarm behind her.
“We’re not.”
“Of course they’re not. You know that, Dahlia.”
“Ugh, Mother, I can’t stand him. Don’t you realize that by now? I’m sorry you’re friends with his mother but I can’t pretend anymore. It’s time to stop trying to fix me up with him.”
Her look of affront surprised me. “I haven’t tried to fix you up with Jared in years. And darling, you look harried. What are you upset about?”
“Harried? Okay. You know what? Don’t worry about it.”
“Now hold on a minute. I’m your mother. I can worry about all kinds of things at the same time. We’ll get to the bottom of the Jared thing. And I’ll help you with whatever is troubling you—”
“I’m fine. Leave me to my drama so I can burn it out in peace. I’m about to lose my temper and I don’t want to take it out on you, so please don’t push me.”
“Hush, both of you,” Gram started. “I didn’t call you over here to argue, Dahlia.”
Mom’s eyes got big. “Wait a second, is that it?”
“What are you talking about?” I asked. “Just spit it out. Iswhatit?”
Her face fell. “Oh god. That’s it. I’m the problem. I’m so sorry.”
“What, why are you sorry?” I was stunned. “What are you talking about? Jared?”
“No, not Jared.Me. I won’t push to try to help you anymore, Holly.” Her expression softened. “I’ll let you burn it out, like you just said. I’ll only offer help if you ask for it.”
Gram’s head darted between us, back and forth, like she was watching a tennis game. “What’s happening? I swear, I will never understand the two of you.”
I stared at my mother as she finally understood what had been our problem for years, which was her butting into my business, me getting angry, then the both of us ignoring the issue until somehow it blew over. Rinse and repeat for my entire life. This didn’t happen with her and my other siblings.
“I think we’ll get along from now on. I’ll make everything better. No more meddling, no more trying to fix things for you. I will just listen to you quietly from now on, Holly. Would you like a hug?”
My jaw dropped. “I mean, I guess I could use a hug.”
“Forget about these muffins.” She pulled me into her arms. “How about we go for a burger at Holloway’s?” she whispered in my ear. “It’s still early, but I have a craving.”
“I could eat a burger,” I whispered back. “Can we have milkshakes too?”