Page 40 of Heart to Heart

“Oh goodness, my sweet girl. I know.” She pulled me into her arms and stroked my back. “I know, baby, I know,shh.”

“I don’t want to cry about this anymore.”

“Crying is good for you. Let it out, I won’t judge you.” She pulled back and slipped a hankie into my hand. “Go on to the table and get started on breakfast. I’m going to make a call. Well, if I can find my blasted phone, that is.”

I spotted it on the floor and retrieved it for her before heading into the kitchen.

Gram joined me a few minutes later.

“I called your mama.”

“Gram! You know we haven’t been getting along—”

“Hush. I’ve had enough of that. She’s on her way. This is the perfect time for the two of you to make up. You need her right now.”

“Great, fine, whatever,” I muttered, too tired and messed up over what had happened to argue. And Gram was right, I did need her.

“It’s time to nip all this vitriol between you two in the bud. Listen to your grandma. It’s all a bunch of silly misunderstandings because the two of you are too stubborn to talk it out and you both know it.”

I sipped my coffee then shoved half a chocolate muffin in my mouth with a half-hearted glare aimed her way. She was right, I should talk to my mom. But now? Hadn’t I been through enough today?

We could see the front yard from the breakfast nook in the kitchen. Gram pulled the curtains aside so we could watch for my mother. Unfortunately, Jared pulled up first. When it rained, did it have to freakin’ pour too? Dang.

Gramtsked. “I didn’t invite that little turd, Holly. Dammit.”

“I know you didn’t.” Gram knew how I felt about Jared. She was a big proponent of not humoring people for the sake of being nice. She was the only one who seemed to realize what a pesty little shit he’d been toward me for almost my entire life. “Just tell him to fuck right off if he gives you any lip.”

“You know why I don’t,” I hissed under my breath.

“His ding-bat mother is friends with your mama, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. She’s a sweetheart, but she raised a useless turd of a son.”

Jared headed up the walkway, with a wave and a grin.

“Could this day get any worse, Gram? I don’t think so,” I whined in a sing-song voice.

“We don’t have to let him in. Liam said not to.”

“He saw us through the window. Plus, he approves the building permits for Sweetbriar. Did you know that?”

“So he has to approve our store plans?”

I heaved out a sigh. “Yep. Come on.” We headed to the foyer to let him in.

“Ladies,” he greeted. “I hope you’re doing well,” he addressed Gram.

“Just fine. What can we do for you?”

“I’m here about your permits, and to remind Holly about the festival.”

I let my eyes drift toward the window with a heavy sigh. I had lost the will to put up a front for him. “I haven’t forgotten.”

“Good. It’s next weekend. I’ll pick you up in the morning and help you get set up, then introduce you around.”

“I don’t know if her boyfriend will like that,” Gram muttered as she aimed a mischievous look at me behind Jared’s back.

My eyes bugged out. “Gram!” I thought about the permits and her dream of reopening this place. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“Who’s not your boyfriend? Liam? Luke’s Army friend? The one you were with at Tess’s store the other day?” He slung questions at me rapid fire, like arrows.