Page 148 of Irresistible Rogue

“Oh. Last time I saw you, you seemed… happier.”

Maybe that was because last time she saw me, she was waking up in my arms. I’d fed her breakfast and then walked her out to a cab with a strict set of orders for self-care, already fantasizing about the next time I was gonna see her.

I’d been worried about her suffering sub drop.

I didn’t expect to crash so fucking hard myself.

I studied her eyes. Even in the chaotic lighting in this place, I could tell, they didn’t look right. They didn’t look likeher. “Were you wearing colored contacts when we met?”


“The night we met, in that bar. I didn’t notice your eyes were different colors. You were wearing colored contacts, right?”

“Um, yeah, I was.”


She shrugged. “I wear them sometimes.”

“You’re wearing them right now.” I could see that. Both of her eyes were the same color. Blue. “Why?”

“Well… when I don’t wear them, I get a lot of unsolicited comments about my eyes from random people. Like especially from guys.”

“So you’re here to meet random guys.”

Her eyebrows pinched together a little. “No. I just find, in a place like this, when people are drinking, they lose a filter. And people tend to make a big deal about my eyes.”

“And you don’t like that?”

“People fixating on one small physical detail about me and feeling the need to comment on it? No.”


“Because… it makes me feel like a freak.”

I stared at her. “Your eyes are pretty.”Understatement.“You shouldn’t cover them up because random dicks don’t have manners.”

“Thank you.” She looked over at her friends. “I can go hang out with my girlfriends…” she offered, probably confused as hell about my grouchiness.

“Later,” I said. “If you want to. Right now, you’re here with me.”


I decided to soften that. “You wouldn’t want to make me sad on my birthday, would you?”

She gave me a half-smile, like she was unsure if I was playing with her or what. “No. I wouldn’t want you to be sad. I’d want you to be having fun, celebrating.” She leaned on the table, getting closer to me. “How do you like to celebrate your birthday?”

“Usually? Get drunk with the boys. Get laid. Maybe… go to Bliss.” I decided to throw that in because it was honest.

No reason to censor myself now.

If it upset her, I’d deal with it.

She held my gaze and asked me, “Are you going there tonight?”

“Of course not.” Why would she even think that?

What the fuck would I want at Bliss when there was even a chance I could have her?