Page 149 of Irresistible Rogue

She blinked at me, taking that in. “I confess… I’m so curious about Bliss.” Her eyes shone, and I should’ve been happy, maybe, that she was so damn keen. So curious. So interested in everything I’d told her so far.

That she was my own little sub for the taking.

That she’d never had any man dominate her but me.

But she wasn’t mine.

“Will you take me there sometime?” she prompted, when I didn’t say a thing.

“Maybe. If you want to go.”

“Do I have to be a member?”

No fucking way was she becoming a member.

“Members can bring guests,” I told her. “But only at certain times, like when there’s a party.”

“Party? Like a sex party?”

“Just a party. We don’t have to have sex.”

She smiled a little. “I noticed you said ‘have to.’”

“The only thing you have to do is follow the rules.”

“And what are the rules?”

“That’s up to me.”


“In that club, I’m a Dom. That means you have to be a good girl and follow my rules, Jolie. Or you’ll make me look bad in front of the other Doms.”

Another little smile crept over her face. “Are you serious? It’s so hard to tell if you’re serious right now.” And maybe because I loved that smile, I loved her face and every fucking thing I’d gotten to know about this girl and it was hitting me so hard right now, I wanted to make her stop smiling.

Because I wasn’t going to get to keep those smiles.

They weren’t mine. Not to keep.

“I’m sure there will be sex clubs down in San Diego for you to explore,” I said. “In L.A., for sure. Maybe someone will take you there.”

Her smile faded until it was gone. “That wasn’t nice,” she said softly.

It wasn’t. She didn’t have to tell me I was an asshole.

“I didn’t like that, Shane.” She stared at me. “Do I need to tell you that was cold for me?”

That was the first time she told me something I did was cold. If I felt like an asshole before, now I felt like that swamp creature she’d said I was.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why are you being a jerk right now?”

“I’m angry. About things that have nothing to do with you.”

She didn’t seem to know what to make of that. Ask me more questions and risk me being more of a dick? Or just let it go?

“If you want to go to Bliss,” I told her, “I’ll take you.”