Page 131 of Irresistible Rogue

“Bondage and Discipline,” he said, slowly, letting the words pour over me like warm water. “Dominance and Submission. Sadism and Masochism.” His eyes drifted over my face, and I was pretty sure he was observing my reactions to each of those words. “I probably should’ve told you by now that I’m not interested in the Sadism and Masochism part. Not in a sexual sense.” His eyes met mine, and there was that glimmer in them that always made me gooey inside. “You look relieved.”

“I am. I kind of thought…” I looked over his body, the bruises and scars.

“You thought I was into some deeply freaky pain shit.”


“I usually save that part for fighting.” A dark smile crept over his lips, and my heart thudded.


“I like inflicting pain on other men in the ring, and sometimes even receiving it. It can be a high. But I don’t get sexual pleasure from it. It’s not arousing. It’s very different from how I feel with you.”

“Oh.” I listened raptly, unable to come up with any more words.

Jesus.I was already having trouble speaking.

“I am interested in the other parts of BDSM,” he went on. “Bondage. Discipline. Dominance. Submission.” Again, he spoke each word slowly, savoring it and maybe savoring my reaction to it. “And… I’m interested in anything that interests you.”

Oh, fuck. This man was so hot.

I didn’t know sex could be so hot, and we weren’t even having it yet. It made me almost want to weep. I was sitting at his table eating dinner, and I was already so fucking hot I could barely think straight.

I was absolutely mesmerized by him. By every word he said.

“When I say it’s about control,” he went on, “it’s not just physical control. Bondage is a part of it. But it’s a lot more of a mental play than you might think. Your mental space is what interests me most. Your submissive head space.”

That, I did not expect him to say. I didn’t even know what to say back. I just wanted him to keep talking.

“Because that is where I play with your pleasure,” he said.

I dangled on his words, entranced.

“I’m comfortable playing in someone else’s mental space, and I’m always in control of my own. That discipline comes from being an athlete. Training. Fighting is a mental game. I’m very controlled in a fight. It’s what gives me my best edge over my competition, most of the time.”

He laid his hand over mine on the table.

“But I’m not here to fight you, Jolie. In the ring, I’m looking to submit my opponent. I’m going for a knock out or a submission every time. With you…” His thumb stroked slowly over mine. “I expect submission from the moment you walk in the door.”

When I realized he was waiting, patiently, for me to respond to everything he just said, I found my voice. “I’m not sure I know how to do that. Or… what exactly you want.”

“You do it naturally. Every time you walk in my door.”

I tried to wrap my head around that. He’d said something similar to me before…

Pretty much everything you do when the two of us are alone is a submissive thing.

“What you don’t seem to understand yet, Jolie,” he said, “is that you’re perfect.”



Iblinked at Shane, repeating his words in my head as I tried to make sense of them. “I’m… perfect?”

Did he really just say that?No one’s perfect.
