Page 130 of Irresistible Rogue

My core absolutely tingled with anticipation. Because there was that word again.Care.

Daddy’s someone who takes care of you.

I wasn’t even sure what he meant by the rest of it.Given yourself over…But my throat closed up. Because I liked the sound of it. A lot.

“So, we need to talk about limits,” he said.

I cleared my throat. “You mean, like, hard limits?”

“Yes. Those. Setting limits, in general, means communicating things to me that you won’t do or don’t want done to you. A soft limit is something that you might not want to do, but you might be open to trying if we talk about it beforehand. Have you ever discussed limits before?”

“Um, with a lover? No. I did talk to… someone… about this whole situation, a little…” I faltered, embarrassed. And a little worried that he might be angry or something. “Someone I trust. She mentioned limits.”

“Let me guess,” he said. “Madeleine?”

I tried to be cool, but that took me by surprise. And I instantly didn’t love thathe knew…?

I felt… weirdly envious.

Maybe because men always noticed Madeleine. Of course, he’d noticed her, too. “You know about her?”

“And so do you, I take it?”

“She told me. She also told me… we should use a safeword.”

“Because she wants you to be safe. And to have a way to tell me to stop.”

I stared at him. I couldn’t believe how hot this conversation was making me. He seemed so comfortable with it. It felt like we were two people just on a dinner date. Except that I was in my underwear and there was a blindfold next to my plate that we were both pretending wasn’t there.

“You don’t think it’s important?” I asked him.

“It is important. Especially if we’re going to explore your limits. But what you should understand… if we’re going to explore, there may be times when you can’t speak.”

Oh, God. I was so turned on already, I could barely taste my food. “Like, if you gagged me or something?”

“I meant, times when you’re so blissed out that it’s kind of like you’re high. You might be temporarily unresponsive. At least verbally.”


“There’s a reason they call the clubBliss. Eat your food, Jolie.”

I tried to keep eating. “Uh… I think I read about that. You’re talking about subspace?”


My heart was thudding. A mixture of excitement and fear. “I thought that only came with pain.”

“Not true. It could happen to you in a submissive state at any time, if it’s intense enough for you. At that point, a safeword or a signal is useless because you might not be able to use it. That’s why it’s important we communicate clearly beforehand, not just during, so that even if you can’t speak or give me a signal, I know how to care for you.”

“Oh. Madeleine didn’t get into that.”

“You can ask her. But like I told you before, not all Dominants are the same. We might not all play the same. And maybe not all subs experience subspace the same, or experience it at all.” He studied me. “You’re wondering now if you’ll experience it.”

“Yes.” Was it that obvious? “I thought it was like… an endorphin high from pain.”

“BDSM isn’t about pain. At least, it doesn’t have to be. To me, it’s about control. You know what BDSM stands for?”
