Page 154 of Irresistible Rogue

“Isn’t it?”

“Is it, for you?”

I wasn’t even sure how to answer that. How could I know when I’d never done anything remotely like this before?

My aunt was eying me. “You have a choice, Jolie. In everything you do.”

“I know. I won’t do anything I don’t want to. And Shane wouldn’t ask me to.”I think.“I just need a second opinion and I don’t think I could ask anyone else to see me like this. Even Alyssa.”

“What are you thinking you’d like to wear?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, when you picture yourself walking into that mansion with him, what do you see yourself in? How do you feel?” My aunt’s eyes traveled over me and I swallowed, really not comfortable answering that last bit.

“Maybe… something sexy, but nottoorevealing. And nothing little girlie or frilly or white or pink or anything. I don’t want everyone to know I’m… you know.Submissive.” I whispered it like it was a dirty word.

“Is that how you think female submissives dress?” she asked me, amused.

“I don’t know.” I thought about how Shane liked to call melittle girl. But I had no idea what clothes he’d like on me, other than what he’d already seen me in. I just wanted to look amazing. “How do they dress?”

“That really depends. Usually, on what their Dom likes to see them in. If they have an exclusive Dom, of course.” She eyed me, an unspoken question behind that.

Shane and I hadn’t talked about exclusivity.

I hadn’t stopped wondering, though, ever since he’d invited me to come to this party with him, what it would be like. All he’d really said about it was that he expected me to follow his rules. He was a Dom, and people we encountered at Bliss would know it. That ring he wore said so.

And I’d be with him. His guest.

I shifted closer to Madeleine, lowering my voice. “Will they be able to tell?”

“No one will judge you for it, in that room. In fact, many would thank you for it.”


She gave me a wry smile. “If they could get past your Dom to talk to you.” She continued browsing through a rack of lacy lingerie. “If he’s smart, he’ll be keeping you on a tight leash, though.”

I stared at her, stricken. “Um…leash?”

“He won’t want the other Doms thinking they can have a taste,” she clarified. “Unless of coursethatis to his taste…”

“You mean…” I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry. “Sharing me?”

“You’re getting squeaky, darling.” Madeleine pulled a black knit dress adorned with buckles from a rack. “Have you asked him?”

“Asked him what?

She held the dress up to me, sizing me up. “What will be happening at this party. What he expects of you.” She put the dress back and looked me in the eye. “What he desires.”

I swallowed again. Thinking about Shane’s desires while chatting with my aunt over sex clothes was weird. I’d asked her to come here, though. I wanted her help.

But yeah, my life was getting a little too weird. Even for me.

“He just said…” I scratched out, “I’m to follow his rules.”

“Hmm. Spoken like a Dom.” She kept browsing.

I tried to focus on my task here, but everything on the racks seemed so risqué. Skimpy and overtly sexual.