Page 153 of Irresistible Rogue

“Just a fucking minute!” I called out as Jolie hastily fixed her dress.

“We should go,” she said quickly. “Can I have my panties?”

“No.” I dug my hands into her hair, pressing her against the door and looking into her eyes. “Almost getting caught.”

“So hot,” she said softly, melting in my hands.

Then I kissed her again, savoring her, as I sank into the heat of her mouth.



Iwatched Aunt Madeleine stroll up the sidewalk toward me in her curve-hugging black dress. She kissed my cheek in greeting, then slid off her sunglasses and eyed the sex store I’d asked—no, implored—her to meet me at.

This store had an array of sex toys and such, but also, according to the internet, one of the best selections of “party gear” in town. It was also conveniently located about a five minute drive from Madeleine’s office.

“I need to know what to wear to a sex party,” I blurted, before Madeleine could ask me why we were here.

She eyed me and said cheekily, “Why don’t you ask your Dom?”

I sighed. “I just want to come up with something myself. You know…”

“Impress him?” she finished for me.

“I could use a little help. I’ve never really done this kind of thing before.”

“You don’t say,” my aunt teased lightly. “Well, let’s go on in, then.” She opened the door and I scooted inside.

“I love you so much,” I gushed at her. We both knew my mom would highly disapprove of this, in every way. And yet Madeleine was cool enough to do it anyway. And not tell her about it.

“Don’t I know it,” she said, following me in.

A woman at the front counter greeted us and asked if we wanted any assistance as Madeleine got browsing. I just told her, “Thank you, we’re good. I’ve got my personal stylist with me.”

Then I ducked behind some racks of clothes, following Madeleine deeper into the shop. She clearly had zero qualms about perusing the sex-ready outfits on display.

I mean, I didn’t expect her to.

“So,” she asked me, “what’s the deal with this party?” She tossed me a look. “Should I be worried?”

“I don’t think so. It’s at Bliss.”

She stopped browsing through a rack of feather trimmed lingerie to raise an eyebrow at me. “Oh?”

“Wait,” I said, as it occurred to me… “Youaren’t going to a party at Bliss tonight, are you?”


I sighed with relief and she looked amused, returning to her task.

I followed along as she browsed. “But you’ve been to parties there before.”

“I have.”

“So what would someone, you know,like me, even wear to such an event?” I still felt weird about calling myselfsubmissiveout loud. “Like, do I wear something BDSM-ish?” I poked through a couple of black vinyl dresses uncomfortably. “Or just a sexy party dress? Or actual lingerie? I know I can’t just roll up in jeans. I’ve seen the mansion, from the outside. I’m just not sure how ‘sex party’ I should go with this. ”

“First of all, you’ll want to stop calling it a sex party,” she said lightly. “That implies that the focus is on sex.”