Page 116 of Irresistible Rogue

“I see this conversation calls for alcohol.”

“It may,” I agreed.

Aunt Madeleine got up and strolled over to the bar cart in the corner. I watched as she poured us each a glass of red wine.

“When I was eighteen,” I forged on tentatively, “and I came to work at Voilà, the two of you seemed to patch things up. And when I asked you about it, you told me, ‘We came to an agreement that I would never talk to you about my sex life.’ Something like that.”

“Yes. I recall that, too.” Madeleine strolled back over and handed me a glass of wine.

“Well, I’m twenty-three years old. I think we can probably talk about our sex lives now. Or whatever we want to talk about.”

She sat back down, next to me. “What is it you’d like to know, Jolie?”

“Well… that Dominatrix thing, for starters. Is it true?”

Madeleine took a sip of her wine and set the glass down. “I’m not a Dominatrix. That is a misconception. No one in the family wants to talk about it, though. Other than Marie and your cousin Daniella.” She gave me a wry look.

Yeah, that didn’t surprise me. Dani and her mom, my Aunt Marie, weren’t exactly shy to talk about anyone’s sex life.

“So,” she added, “I don’t bother correcting the rest of you when you whisper behind my back.”

“I’m sorry. I never meant to whisper—”

“It’s fine, Jolie. I’m very comfortable with who and what I am. And what I am is a Domme. There is a difference to some. And there is certainly a difference to me.”

“What is the difference?”

“As a Domme, I’m sexually dominant with my partners. I considered myself a Dominatrix many years ago, though, when it was a profession.”


I’d definitely never heardthatbefore, even behind her back.

“You mean, you made money, to…”

“It was a job,” she said simply. “A job I enjoyed.”

“So, men paid you for…?”

“No. Believe it or not, there was no actual sex involved. Men paid me to do other things to them. Of a sexually arousing nature. But I did not have sex with my clients.”

“But you don’t do that… um, job… anymore?” I never knew she had any job, honestly, besides interior design.

“No. I stopped doing that long ago.”

“May I ask why?”

She held my gaze, unflinchingly, when she said, “Because I enjoyed it so much, I realized Iwantedto fuck some of them. So I stopped taking money for it.”

I gaped at her. I couldn’t help it. “Oh. Well… um. Thank you for being so honest with me. I guess this is pretty personal stuff.”

“Try that wine, hon.”

I took a sip, and tried to fortify myself. Because I was not nearly done with prying into her personal life. “Have you ever heard of a club called Bliss?”

A smile flickered over my aunt’s lips. “I may have.”

“I heard it’s a sex club.”