“They get rewarded.”
With that, I scooped her up off the floor and tossed her on a lounge chair. She gasped. I ripped open the bottom of her string bikini and buried my face in her pussy.
When I arrived at the office of Voilà Interiors, my aunt Madeleine’s interior design firm and my old workplace, it was exactly how I remembered it, right down to the fresh flowers and the smell of coffee when I walked in the front door. In a historic building on the edge of Chinatown, the interior offices were modern white and minimalist, which suited Madeleine, with pops of pastels and antiques that suited Danica, who still worked here as an interior decorator from time to time.
The receptionist greeted me with a warm smile.
“You must be Jolie! I’ve heard so much about you.” She popped up from her desk to shake my hand. “Madeleine asked that I set you up in the meeting room. She’ll be right in to join you.”
As I followed her toward the meeting room at the far end of the hall, I glimpsed my aunt through the window into her office, talking on her phone. It was quiet, most of the staff gone home for the day.
“Thank you,” I said as she opened the meeting room for me. “But doesn’t she ever let you go home?” It was already past six o’clock.
She laughed pleasantly. “I usually stay late on Fridays to make sure we have everything wrapped up. Make yourself comfortable. WiFi password is on this card for you.” She handed me a Voilà business card with neat handwriting on the back. “There’s wine and water, and if you need anything else I’ll be at my desk.”
Wow. She waswaybetter at this job than I was. I watched her walk away, then set my things down on the table. I was always so awkward and anxious greeting people when they walked in these doors. Madeleine’s wealthy clients had made me nervous. Even the delivery guys made me nervous, especially if they were cute.
Well, at least you’ve come a little way since then.
I almost laughed out loud when I thought about how awkward-receptionist Jolie would react if she could glimpse future Jolie, the one who got down on her knees to blow a gorgeous, self-professed Dom yesterday.
I mean, awkward-receptionist Jolie would’ve loved to do such a thing. But she would never have had the confidence to do it.
I wondered… Was it confidence? Or did he just make me that comfortable? So comfortable… there wasn’t really a choice to be made. I just wanted to do it, so I did.
In the moment, with him… I just stopped questioning myself. And doubting myself.
He made that happen.
With his damn sex magic.
“Hello, darling.” Aunt Madeleine breezed in. As always, she looked impeccable. Today, she did it in a little black dress with a boat neck, a red skinny belt and heels.
“Hi.” I gave her a hug. “Thank you for meeting with me.”
“Of course. I’m pleased to scoreanytime with you while you’re in town,” she teased. As if my social calendar was that full.
She kissed my cheek and we got seated at the table. I had Mom’s wedding book, heavily bookmarked and annotated, and a binder of my own that I’d started gathering things in, along with some things to show her on my laptop; I was here to go over the wedding design with her. She’d agreed to look over everything with me, which was generous. I knew she was busy.
But now that we were here, alone… maybe there was another reason I wanted to talk to her. If I had the courage.
Yes. You have the courage.
You screwed Shane in Mom’s kitchen and blew him in the pool house and barely cared, in the moment, if you got caught. That was way more risky than this.
As I got connected to WiFi and set up, I said casually, “So, hey. Do you remember when I turned sixteen and you took me out for lunch, just the two of us?”
I glanced at my aunt, and by the way she was looking at me, she definitely remembered.
“You said to me, ‘Jolie, there are things about me that you may have already started to hear, whispered among the adults.’ You told me that whatever I heard, I could come talk to you about it.”
“Yes. I recall.”
“And then one day, Dani blurted out to me that you were a Dominatrix. And when I asked you about it, you said Mom somehow gleaned what we’d talked about when you took me for lunch that time and even though we didn’t really talk about anything, Mom flipped out. And then she barely spoke to you for two years.”