My stomach falls to the floor and bounces right back up, with nothing but the taste of bile. I set my phone on the window ledge where I rest my arms, trying to pull in a breath, but my lungs won’t take it in.
“Hey, there you are.” Simone comes in, but I can’t turn around or put on the brave face I’ve been wearing all day. Not right now. “Hey, you ok? What’s wrong?” She’s closer now, and then I feel her hand on my shoulder.
“I had a voicemail from my lawyer. They’re suing me for custody….” I choke. “But…they only want Liv.” My voice breaks, and I try to suck it all back behind my quivering lips. I can’t even think about it. I can’t think about how awful these people are and how any judge could not see it based on this.
Simone wraps me in a hug. “What can I do?”
I shake my head and just hold onto her. I’m mad. Angry. Sick. “How could they do this?” I ask, knowing there’s no answer.
“I don’t know, honey.”
I pull away, knowing I need to hold it together. “Not a word to Carmen. Not today.”
“Are you going to be ok the rest of the night? Where’s Shane?” She asks as if somehow she knows I need him.
“I’m going to make myself be ok. This is her day, and I won’t bring my drama to it. Shane’s not coming, so can I ride with you?”
Simone frowns like she’s annoyed, but I know it’s not at me, and being the awesome friend she is, she doesn’t say anything. “Of course.”
I gather my things and throw them in my bag, including my phone. I hope with the big toss, I can set it all aside for the night. I wanted Shane here before, but I wish he was here to tell me we’ll figure this out together. Right now, though, I feel like I’m back to facing it all alone.
Maybe I’m being ridiculous or emotional or immature, but I thought something was growing between us. A friendship or maybe even something more. Regardless, friends don’t just leave friends hanging, and Shane ghosted me today all because he had a bad game.
None of that matters, though. My focus has to be on Liv and figuring out what I need to do to keep her safe and with me. I know what I’m likely going to have to do. Dig up the remains tucked away in a large envelope, hoping to never see the light of day again. For Liv, I’ll do it if I have to. I’ll do anything. For now, I will join the party and try to pretend everything is fine. Just fine.
Chapter 26
“Do not call me again. You aren’t getting one more dime, not a single penny. If you threaten my wife in any way, I’ll have your picture plastered on every screen across America and let the entire world know just what kind of man you are. I don’t think you want to draw any more attention from law enforcement than you likely already have. Do we understand each other?”
Greg’s creepy low chuckle sends my temper through the roof. “Be careful, son. I never pretended to be anything other than what I am. You’re nothing but a guy who came from a drug dealer and a strung-out prostitute. Just think about what your fancy world would think about that, not to mention your new bride. I’m certain you’ve left those little details out for a reason. At least no one can say she married you for your money, but you certainly snagged a ripe piece of fruit. A loaded one at that.”
I clench my jaw so hard I’m surprised I don’t crack a molar. “Your past has nothing to do with me. It never did, and it never will. Your sperm donation is the only thing that connects us. How you make your living only reflects on you. Don’t ever call me again, and make sure you never even speak of my wife.”
I hang up, not giving him a chance to spout any more venom. This low life doesn’t affect me, but there’s no way in hell I’ll ever let him pull Maggie into his messed-up way of life.
I step out of my truck and head into the house to relieve Gwen and let her get home before it gets too late. That phone call and the fact my best player got ejected today for being a hothead and an idiot have me wanting to punch something. This was not the day for me to show up to a wedding.
I find Gwen cleaning up the kitchen.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you this early,” she says, turning from the sink.
“Yeah, I skipped out on the wedding. I had to deal with a player after the game, which took longer than I thought.”
Gwen puts her hands on her hips, giving me a look I don’t understand. “Maggie’s there by herself, then?”
“Yeah, I messaged her. I thought I’d just come home and let you get going before it gets too late.”
Her head tilts to the side thoughtfully, in what I assume is a motherly way of examining me. “Are you doing alright? It was a heck of a game today.”
“I’m alright. That kid is trying my every nerve.”
Gwen walks over and pats my arm. “You’ll handle it just fine. The kids are all in bed, and there are leftovers in the fridge, plus some cookies in the container.” She points to the counter by the stove while grabbing her purse. “Take it easy and make sure you take good care of my Maggie. Today will be a hard day for her.”
She gives me another gentle pat and heads for the front door while I stand there, trying to make sense of what she said about Maggie.
I run a hand over my face, needing a shower and a beer. Twenty minutes later, I’m resting on the couch when my phone vibrates, and after what Gwen said, I hope it’s Maggie. I haven’t heard anything from her, not that I expected to, but instead of Maggie, it’s Sean.