“Yeah, I got it, but listen. This might be worth the distraction. I got a call from Ohio State. They’ve seen what you’ve done this season, not to mention your history there. Their head coach is off contract after this season. This is huge, Shane, and I need to get back to them. They want to fly you out in the next couple of weeks.”
I groan, knowing that he’s right. This is big and not something I should easily piss away. “When?”
“Soon, they're hoping before the holidays. They’ll work around playoffs.”
Shit. “I can’t. Maggie’s show in New York is then.”
Rob sighs. “Shane, we can’t be picky here. They’re coming to you. If we don’t hop on this, it won’t take them long to start looking elsewhere.”
“Can’t you just go back and tell them the timing is bad? I mean, we’re still in the middle of the season.”
“It’s just a day or two, and then you’ll be back. Shane, you don’t want to miss out on this.”
I know he’s right. Even if it turns out to be nothing, not talking to them would likely be a big mistake if I want to keep coaching, but I can’t miss Maggie’s show.
“Find out exactly when and how flexible they are. Let me know.” I can’t miss being in New York. “Rob, I’m not saying yes to this. It’s just a conversation. I’ve learned a lot here, but I still have a ways to go. I’m not sure I’m ready to take on a whole team, and biting off more than I can chew would be a mistake.”
Rob sighs. “I hear you, but this is big, and they’re interested. They like what they see and know what you’re capable of. It’s a good match. You don’t get that every day.”
“Yeah. I know.”
“Ok. Let me see what I can find out, but we’ll have to react fast.”
“Right.” I don’t need one more thing to think about. “This stays on the down-low. I don’t need anyone sniffing this out.”
“Got it. Good luck tomorrow,” Rob says, hanging up.
I toss my phone and sit on the edge of the bed. I was not expecting this, especially before the season is even over. This is not what I need right now and not something I want to mention to Maggie until I figure out what to do. Apparently, I’m going to have to figure it out pretty quickly.
I shower and grab my tablet, trying to force myself into game mode. I need to focus on the team we’re facing tomorrow, but too many things are messing with my head.
I pick up my phone and dial Maggie.
“Hey.” Just hearing her voice calms me.
“Hi.” She laughs, and the sound makes me smile, which she’ll never see. “Sooooo, what are you doing?”
“Trying to watch the tape for the game tomorrow.”
“Yeah. What are you doing?” I just want to hear her talk.
“Hmmmm. Let’s see. Just got the kids down. I’m not sure Teddy did anything at school today but mess around, so we had a heavy load to work through after dinner. Liv is responsible for snacks at preschool tomorrow, so we had to scrounge around for something that would feed twelve. Applesauce pouches for the win. I’m watching SportsCenter in the middle of our amazing bed.” She pauses, and I don’t miss that she called it our bed, and that’s where I want to be. “How was your flight?”
“Fine. They’re all pumped up. I hope they can sustain it through the game.”
“How about you? Are you pumped?”
“Trying to get there. What time is Danny getting in tomorrow?” This is his last trip out before the show, and just one more reason I wish I were home.
“Around lunch. Gwen is going to stay late until I get home. He has to be back the following afternoon, so we’ve got a lot to get through. Grizz?”
“You ok?”