"Yes, you are, sweet princess." I lick the bite mark I left and run my hands down her arms until I get to her stomach. Untying the robe, I push it apart to expose her beautiful breast to me. "Look at you and your hard nipples. Oh, my princess is in need."
"Please, I..." She loses her words as I bend down and lick her right nipple, then her left. "I don't want this. You only want me for sex and..." I bite her nipple and tug on it until her back arches off the couch.
"Do you really want me to stop, Tia?" I remove my hands from her body and I stare at her, waiting for her to open her eyes.
A wave of emotion passes along her face. I can see the want in her eyes. The longing to be with me and to be my little princess. Unfortunately, I also see the pain of what I've done to her.
"Yes." Her lower lip trembles. "I'm... I'm not a whore."
Damn it to hell. I should have never called her that. "I know that."
"You... you believe that, though. You called me nothing but a good lay. And that's true, we have always been good at the sex part. Please, I... just go. Please."
Tears run down her face and I feel like a monster. "Oh, princess." I pull her to me and hold her until I have to look at her again. "Don't you see I did that to help you?"
"Hel...help me? You crushed me. Let me go right now, Coach." She shoves against me, and I don't move. She's not a weak person, but she's too emotional to get any traction.
My words have stung too deeply and as she cries hysterically, I know I won't win her over today. Especially if I force sex. But it seems like I don't give a damn. I won't let my little girl go.
"Fine. I will let you up, but I'm not done with you." I stand up and go into her bedroom. I yank her cellphone off the charger, take the thing and put it in the bathroom in the sink. Turning on the water, I go to her closet, where I know her toys are. Grabbing the gag, handcuffs, and vibrating panties, I walk back out to find Tia tying her robe and running toward the door.
"Damn it, princess." I run to catch her and end up slamming us both into the wall. This works out for me because she's winded and crying too hard to have any control.
I drop everything but the handcuffs and place them on her. "If you had been a good girl, we wouldn't have needed all of this."
"Go to hell." She tries her hardest to get out of the cuffs and dislodge my hold on her. It doesn't work, but it's good to see she will not go down without a fight.
Bending, I pick up the gag and force her into it. She's still wiggling and pushing against me, but I have the upper hand. "Tia, calm down. You aren't going anywhere, and I'm not letting you go. So, either you accept that I've got you and you are in my care now, or we can continue to do this the hard way."
When she turns her head to look at me, I smile. That side eye is clear as day. She's telling me to go to hell. Too late, I've been there and I won't survive if I have to stay. She's my haven and I know she wants me. Now to convince her little ass of that.
Crowding her against the wall, I wait for her to calm down. It takes her a good ten minutes before she sniffles and I let her turn around. "Now, are we going to have a problem, Tia?"
She shakes her head no and looks down. "That's my good girl. Step into these panties." Without any fuss or hesitation, she steps into them. I show her the remote control.
"If you are good, they will not vibrate. If you are bad, they will start at level one and go up until you cannot stand. Are we clear, Tia?"
Her eyes are wide but she nods her understanding. "Good girl. I'm going to put some breakfast on. You go sit down."
I move away from her, letting her have some space to walk around me. Stopping her, I tie the robe back in place and kiss the top of her head. She glares at me but goes to the bar stool and climbs up with my help. The other set of handcuffs I have in my pocket, I bring them out and cuff her left ankle to the stool.
She rolls her eyes at me, and I press the button for level one. "Keep the attitude up and I will make you miserable all day."
I watch her move from side to side on the stool as the vibrator plays with her. With a content sigh, I move into the kitchen, ready to prepare food for her. The tricky part is to get her to eat it.
I watch Coach cooking in my kitchen, wondering why she's really here. Was it so that she could get her easy lay back? How can she say she's sorry? There's no way she loves me. Not with how well she played off our relationship the other day. I can't exactly ask her right now because I'm gagged, but as soon as I can talk, I'm going to bombard her with questions.
Even with my hands cuffed behind my back, I'm shaking. The need to get away from here and think is so real, it has me thinking of doing something stupid. I try to get up and remember that she chained my damn ankle to the chair.
"Alright, so we have some eggs, bacon, and toast. We need to discuss the lack of food you have in this place."
The need to roll my eyes is so damn strong, I have to close my eyes to keep from getting Coach angry at me again. She places a plate of food in front of me, smiling as she comes around the counter and touches my head. I jerk away and she looks at me, shocked. I want her touch more than anything, but I can't give in to her. There's too much unanswered that I don't understand.
Coach yanks the towel off my head and runs her fingers through my hair. Her grip tightens when she gets to the base of my neck and forces me to look at her. "Do I need to remind you I have a sex machine in my car ready to be brought up here to fuck you? I'm more than happy to let it fuck you until your attitude changes."
My nerves send a shiver down my spine at the thought of being fucked like that for hours on end. I remember the last time and that was too much. Way too much. "Are you going to be my good girl?"
Nodding my head, I try to remain calm. It isn't easy. There are too many things running through my mind right now. Coach takes off the gag and sets it down on the other side of me. She turns my stool to face her and she scoops some eggs onto a piece of toast.