But there had been no betrayal, had there? Her entire idea of love had been so wrapped up in the Akurn royal, she considered no one else. Wait... love? Why was she using that word?
“I see you have a lot to think about.” Jazmi dropped her arms and took a step back. “I leave you with this thought. You’re at a turning point in your life, and whatever you decide will affect not only you, but him as well. I know in my heart you’re a fair person who will have no trouble re-examining her outlook on something this important.”
Her sister’s image faded.
“Until next time.”
“Hey, where’re you going? I have to know...”
“Don’t worry, little sister. We’ll see each other soon, I promise.”
Jazmi vanished.
Zamush should’ve been in a better frame of mind after a good night’s sleep. Too bad his restless night was anything but good. Agonizing images of Jelena in a passionate embrace with Sychar replayed itself over and over. Him on the sidelines, banging his fists against an invisible wall screaming her name. She never looked his way.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he hung his head and stared at his clenched hands. He ordered himself to relax, but the nightmare’s stranglehold was strong. It had to be a subconscious warning what he felt for Jelena was one-sided.
Not that it was her fault. She’d told him repeatedly she was in love with the WOTA leader. He grunted. If he were honest with himself, he’d admit she barely gave him a second glance unless he imposed himself on her.
A bitter tasted coated his mouth. It was possible she only reacted passionately in their shared dreams because it was just that. A dream. And when they kissed in reality, it had to be because she was under the influence of bloodlust.
He grimaced. It was hard to swallow being a fool over someone. That’d never happened to him before. A wry smile twisted his mouth. He’d never understood how his brother Pete had been played by the beauty who betrayed him all those years ago. Well, who was the sap now? And look at him being empathic and all. Well, time to gather whatever pride he had left and get on with life.
Taking a deep breath, he slapped his hands on his thighs and stood. Self-loathing wasn’t something he enjoyed indulging in. And he’d be damned if he’d start now. The only thing to do was to go back to Azadi and rejoin the family.
He needed to reach Raiden to see how things fared on Earth. Not that he wanted to share his shame with his perceptive brother. But maybe clearing the air with him would help put things into perspective. With time, Zamush could put his feelings for Jelena behind him.
Easier said than done. He was a man with deep emotions and cursed with a dark, passionate nature that couldn’t be changed with a thought. His yearning for the beautiful hybrid would be with him for a long time. A sliver of cold weighed heavy in his heart.
After a quick shower, he called up some replicated clothes from the machine in the bedroom. Black jeans, shirt, and his normal shit-kicking Warlock Moto boots. Grabbing his long black leather gothic trench coat, he slipped his arms in the sleeves and was ready to go.
He closed his eyes and concentrated on the image of Qhasheik. There, he sensed the Ibbin was alone with the spaceship Nergal hidden in the nearby woods. Perfect. He teleported near enough all he had to do was stroll to him.
“Hey, Qhasheik.” He made sure his footsteps were loud enough not to startle the other male. “Anything wrong with it?”
Qhasheik had been running a hand over the side of the ship, giving it a critical eye. The tip of his extra limb rubbed against the metallic hull, replacing his hand, as he turned to Zamush. “No, it’s all good. Just checking to make sure there isn’t any damage from that Akurn ship that attacked us before we got here.” His chin tilted as he gripped the suspenders over his naked, dark-purple chest. “What’s up?”
“Now that Sychar is safe and sound, I’d like to go to Azadi to join my family. You up to taking me back?”
Qhasheik opened his mouth, but Abiditan rushed out of the woods and interrupted him.
“Wait, hang on! You can’t go.”
As the Akurn came close, it struck Zamush how odd the male looked in a simple blue T-shirt and jeans. He always expected the porcelain-skinned aliens to be wearing billowing pants gathered at the ankles with a long tunic.
“Why not?” Qhasheik glanced back at the ship before focusing on Abiditan. “I can take him to Azadi and be home before dinner.”
Abiditan placed his palm on Qhasheik’s shoulder with a slight smile. “I know, but he’s needed here.” He turned to Zamush. ”Between Murduk claiming martial law and the Imperial guardsmen commanding the air drones, we’d be lucky to get anywhere near him.”
“While I can appreciate that, I’m sure things on Earth have gotten worse, and my family needs me.”
“Don’t you see?” Abiditan lessened the space between them. “Taking Murduk down will save Earth that much faster. Akurn is almost within transportation range, and if we don’t stop them now, it may be too late. I know once Sychar takes his rightful place, he’ll be in a position to negotiate with Earth’s governments. He’ll offer to help rebuild in exchange for the resources Akurn needs.”
Zamush grimaced with a shake of his head. He had his suspicions about how Abiditan wanted him to be a part of taking Murduk down. Just call him, ”Baits-R-Us“. “What do you have in mind?” Looked like showing them he could teleport was going to bite him in the ass. He crossed his arms and widened his stance.
Shit, he was going to be stupid enough to agree to this, wasn’t he? The tough part wouldn’t be putting his life in danger, but avoiding Jelena as much as possible. The last thing he wanted was be around her and Sychar. He’d rather face Murduk’s vast armada unarmed.