With a flick of her wrist, the ball of ice disappeared.
Before Jelena could react, Jazmi grasped her hands between hers. “Feel me. Merge with me so you may see who we are together.”
A rush of images made Jelena gasp. It was like being on one of those carousels she’d seen in the movies from Earth. Pictures and sounds twirled around her.
“Let’s meet Julienne.” The images stopped and focused on one woman, who looked completely human. Medium-length brown hair matched the warm brown of her single-colored irises. She wore a simple white blouse tucked into a pair of black pants that ended at her ankles. On her feet were sharp black pumps Jelena wouldn’t be caught dead in. Over the white blouse was a long-sleeved, short jacket.
If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear she was watching a scene from a movie.
Julienne was arguing with a tall, blond-haired man.
There was something about him made Jelena frown. “Who is he?”
“That’s her husband, Ben. Here, let me help you witness what they went through together.” Jazmi touched her forefinger to the middle of Jelena’s forehead. The scene sped up as if on fast-forward.
Jelena experienced Julienne’s loneliness until she met Ben. She lived through the woman’s turbulent emotions about him and the adventure they went through as they discovered each other.
“This guy Ben, he’s an empath? What does that mean?”
“It means he not only experiences other people’s emotions but also can manipulate them. He can coerce a sad man to feel happy and a violent man to become peaceful.”
A surge of protectiveness for an earth woman she’d never met was a surprise. “Did he somehow manipulate Julienne?”
Jazmi chuckled. “No, far from it. Because she’s a hybrid like you and me, being with him released who she was inside. She’s now a powerful empath herself. Probably stronger than he is.”
Jelena scrunched her nose. “What’s so special about him?”
“Let me introduce you to the other two before I answer that, hmm?”
The next woman looked like Julienne, human and all. Except her brown hair was a little longer. She had on a sturdy pair of jeans with a flannel shirt. She also had a small mole in the upper left corner of her mouth. The scenes of her were with a man named Pete. This guy was no empath, that was for sure. His ability was changing his physical shape into anything from a wolf to another person.
“Let me get this straight. This guy Pete is to Jena what Ben was to Julienne?”
“Yes, Jena can transform the same as he can. Except Pete has to touch someone before he can change, whereas Jena doesn’t.”
Jelena smiled and stood straight.
“And last, but of course never least, is our sister Jordyn.”
Jordyn bore an uncanny resemblance to the other two women, except for her short, sassy haircut.
But the images Jazmi shared with her were deeper and darker than the ones from before. The Akurns had kidnapped and experimented on Jordyn.
The pain and confusion her sister must’ve suffered made Jelena clench her fists.
The reunion between Jordyn and Michael helped to calm her racing heart. She released the white-knuckled hold on her hands. “Is she okay?”
Jazmi gripped a comforting hand on Jelena’s shoulder. “She’s fine. Since merging with Michael, her psychic abilities have been unlocked. Together they’ll make a formidable team in our fight against Murduk.” Grabbing the tops of Jelena’s shoulders, her sister looked deep into her eyes. “If you haven’t already guessed, Ben, Pete, and Michael are Zamush’s brothers. It is our destiny to be with them.”
Jazmi’s dual-colored eyes narrowed. “But you already know that, don’t you? Tell me about Zamush.”
Jelena crossed her arms with a snort. “Destiny? What kind of crap is that?” How could her destiny include being with some bossy, too-sexy-for-his-own-good man who she’d caught with other women? A man who was blindingly intelligent and so handsome, he took her breath away. Coupled with his dry wit, he made her laugh when others had no clue he was funny. Not to mention his mouthwatering, tight-muscled body and that tantalizing spicy scent that drove her crazy. When she indulged in taking his blood, her head swooned from his ambrosial flavor.
Eying her sister, she refused to admit any of it out loud. Jazmi’s unwavering stare made her face flush.
“You’re wrong about him and the other women, aren’t you? If nothing else, you’re using that as a lame excuse to dismiss him. Tell me, how do you feel when you’re with him?”
A clear vision of Zamush in her mind made Jelena’s tongue stick to the roof of her mouth. Every time she’d been with him, she went from one extreme emotion to the next. She either wanted to grab him in a heart-pounding kiss or encase him in a block of ice so he’d stop making her feel like she’d betrayed Sychar.