Page 3 of Bragg's Match

“But where else am I going to live?” He pouts.

“Why is this my problem?” I mutter.

I don’t know why I’m surprised. I’m the one who’s always taking care of everyone’s problems. Naturally, his brother and my friend Harmony sent him to me. They knew I’d take care of him. The way I always take care of everyone.

But the last thing I need at the moment is another person to take care of. I’m busy as hell getting ready for the Litha festival in July, which is less than a month away.

This is my busiest season. My small town of Winter Falls attracts tourists from all over during the summer with its festivals. In addition to teaching pottery classes to the tourists, I sell an absolute ton of pottery. I need to make certain I have enough stock available to sell.

And it’s not as if I can purchase stock online. No, each piece of pottery I sell is one-hundred percent unique. Between creating the piece, decorating it, firing the clay, glazing, and the glaze fire, I need at least three and a half weeks to create each piece.

Brody grasps my hands and I come out of my reverie. “How can I help you, Soleil?”

His thumbs rub against my inner wrists. My skin warms and goosebumps threaten to break out. Oh no. This can’t be happening. I can’t be attracted to Brody.

I yank my hands away. “You can help by not pulling stupid pranks to scare the crap out of me.”

He shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels with a huge smile on his face. “You admit my pranks rock.”

“I didn’t say—” I cut myself off. I’m not discussing his stupid pranks. “I’m serious. I don’t have time for this.” I check my watch. “I need to get a few hours of sleep before I get back to work.”

“Say no more. I will detain you no longer. Kindly show me where the bedroom I’ll be occupying is and I won’t bother you any longer.”

I frown. “I love how you assume you’re going to stay here.”

He clutches his chest. “Ah. You love me. I care for you too, Soleil.”


I consider my options. I can argue with Brody about him staying here. But I don’t have time for his shenanigans. Or I can find him another place to stay. Unfortunately, I can’t think of anyone who has room for him right now.

Damn. It appears I have no choice.

“Come on. I’ll show you to your room.”

“Awesome! You won’t regret it.”

“I already regret it.”

He ignores me. “I’ll be the best roommate you can imagine. I don’t have parties. Well, except for when my brothers come over for poker night. But don’t worry. We won’t bother you. I’ll plan it on a night when you’re out with your girls. And I’ll—”

I hold up my hand. I already know he’s going to be a terrible roommate. No matter how much he claims to the contrary.

“This is your room.” I open the door to my spare bedroom and usher him inside.

He bounces on his toes. “I get a bed. Awesome! Elder, my least favorite brother, didn’t give me a bed.”

“I need to get some sleep. Try to keep it down,” I say as I make my way down the hall.

“Where’s your bedroom?”

“I have my own bathroom,” I say as I open the door to my bedroom. “You can use the bathroom in the hallway.”

“Aw, shucks. Does this mean there’s no chance of me bumping into a skimpy robe-wearing Soleil in the hallway?”

His words conjure up thoughts of him sauntering through the hallway with a towel wrapped around his waist. I wonder how those broad shoulders look without a shirt. I wonder…

I cut those thoughts off. There will be no fantasizing about Brody. I have no interest in a man-child who still couch surfs instead of finding his own place to live.