Page 4 of Bragg's Match

“Sleep tight, roomie. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

“Whatever,” I murmur as I shut my bedroom door behind me.

Chapter 2

Brody – a man who tends to fuck up more often than not


Ismile at Soleil as she shuffles into the kitchen.

“Good morning.”

She grunts in response. She is not what you would describe as a morning person. I wouldn’t be a morning person either if I’d stayed up until 2 a.m. glazing pottery or whatever it is she does in her pottery shed.

“Here you go.” I offer her a mug of coffee.

She snatches the coffee from me and drinks big gulps until it’s finished. Her eyes fall closed and she sighs. “Exactly what I needed.”

I refill the mug. “Do you have an asbestos esophagus?”

Her nose wrinkles and she opens her eyes. Her brown eyes meet mine and I clear my throat before I drown in them. Soleil is one of those rare women who is absolutely gorgeous but completely unassuming. I’m infatuated with her and she thinks I’m a child.

“Why are we discussing asbestos at eight o’clock in the morning?”

I indicate her mug. “Because no normal person could drink scolding hot coffee without burning their esophagus.”

She cradles the mug to her chest and smiles. The dimple on her right cheek comes out and I want to taste it with my tongue before placing my mouth against her plump lips as my fingers dive into her shiny brown hair. Is it as soft as silk? How will it feel wrapped around my fist?

My cock stirs and I shut those thoughts down. Soleil would castrate me if she knew what I was thinking about.

“Do you have any idea how late I worked last night? I need this coffee more than I need my next breath.”

I know exactly how late she worked last night. I stay up every night and listen for her return from her pottery shed. When I hear her stumble into the house, I get up and check the house is locked up tight before finally going to sleep.

I know it’s crazy. We live in Winter Falls. I’m pretty sure the apartment building I lived in back in my hometown of San Diego housed more people than the thousand inhabitants of this small town in Colorado.

But I can’t help myself. When it comes to Soleil, I have a driving force to make certain she’s safe. I want to care for her – ensure she gets enough rest and has fun – but she’s made it perfectly clear she thinks of me as a child.

Too bad for her I love a good challenge. And a challenge wrapped up in the sexy package of Soleil? Irresistible.

“How are your preparations for the festival going?”

She plops down on a kitchen stool. “Okay. I guess.” She pushes her hair out of her face and I fist my hands before I reach for those silky strands.

“Do you need help?”

She raises an eyebrow. “Do you know how to fire a kiln?”


“Glaze pottery?”


“Wield the pottery wheel?”
