Page 120 of Bragg's Match

“Hmm… Okay…Let’s blame the pregnancy.” I take over wiping the tears from her face.

“You better believe your fine ass I’ll be blaming the pregnancy for everything for the next seven months so get used to it.”

I smile. “As long as I’m around you, I don’t care if you blame vampires on your moods.”

She rolls her eyes. “Everyone knows vampires aren’t real. Shifters on the other hand…”

“Are you done avoiding the subject now?”

“What subject?”

“Obviously not,” I mutter before continuing in a normal voice, “Me, you, us, the baby, your love for me.”

“You really love me?”

“How could I not? You’re perfect. It’s why I lied about being allergic to dogs to force you to let me live here.”

“You lied about being allergic to dogs?” She shakes her head. “Why am I not surprised?”

Her resignation changes to ire and she glares at me. “If you say you ruined your bed on purpose, I’m going to slice your balls off and feed them to Harmony’s dogs.”

I cringe. “I was actually trying to prepare a July 4thsurprise for you.”

“Dang it. You make it hard for me to be mad at you.”

I smirk. “Good. I hope you feel the same when we’re eighty and rocking on our rocking chairs on the porch and I decide to throw water balloons at the grandkids.”

“You really are okay with me being pregnant.”

“Why do you sound surprised? I’m not a child.”

“Whoa. I didn’t say you were.” She pauses. “This time.”

“Good. Are you over the whole I’m too old for you bullshit?”

She scrunches her nose and I can’t resist kissing the tip. She’s adorable.

“I’m trying. I kind of got stuck on my dad being younger than my mom.”

“I’m not your dad.”

“I know. It’s just…” She blows out a breath. “The way he left everything to me when Mom was sick. It’s not easy to forget.”

I kiss her nose. “You don’t need to forget. But you do need to remember I’m not him. And, if you need a reminder, I’ll help you.”

“Let me guess. By doing a prank.”

I puff out my chest. “What can I say? My pranks are the best cheer her up medicine.”

She giggles. “You always make me laugh. No wonder I love you.” She slams a hand over her mouth.

I kiss her forehead before prying her hands away. “I love you, too, pixie girl.”

“We’re having a baby.”

I nod. “Yep. We’re having a baby. And I’m moving back in.”

“Who says?”