Page 119 of Bragg's Match

“Moon, Eden, and Harmony came to me as a group.”

“No Ashlyn? Huh. Maybe she can keep a secret.”

“They’re worried about you.”

“They should be worried about themselves when I get ahold of them.” She shakes her fist in the air.

I grasp her fist and lace my fingers through hers. When she doesn’t protest, hope soars through me. Maybe all is not lost.

“You’re pregnant?” She nods. “With my baby?”

She glares at me. “Yes.”

I grin. “How far along are you? Do we want to know if it’s a boy or a girl? I have some ideas for names.”

Her brow wrinkles. “You sound excited.”

“Because I am. The woman I love is having my baby. What’s not to be excited about?”

“We broke up.”

“A temporary issue.”

She yanks her hand from mine. “A temporary issue? How is our break-up a temporary issue? You tried to burn my house down.”

I kneel in front of her. “I didn’t try to burn your house down and you know it.” She sniffs and lifts her nose in the air. “I know you’re scared. Having a baby is scary.”

“I’m not scared of having this baby. I can’t wait to have this baby.”

“Then, what are you afraid of?”


I cock a brow. “Nothing? Soleil Hawk is afraid of nothing in this world. Not losing her house. Not becoming a parent. Nothing.”

She shoves me but I refuse to budge.

“Stop being a dork.”

“But you love this dork.”

Crap. Crap. Crap. I didn’t mean to say that. But now the words are out there, I’m going with it. Go big or go home. What about going big to go home?

“It’s why you’re scared. Love scares the crap out of you.”

“I don’t want to lose you.”

“So, you pushed me away first?”

“It’s better than watching you wither and die in front of me.”

“I’m not going to wither and die in front of you.”

She slaps my shoulder. “You can’t know that! You can’t predict the future!” she shouts and promptly bursts into tears.

I gather her in my arms and carry her out of the shed to the house where I sit on the couch with her in my lap.

“Stupid pregnancy hormones. Making me cry,” she mumbles as she brushes the tears from her eyes.