Page 43 of Bragg's Match

“Classy. Such a classy lady,” Love Hill snarks.

Love Hill is Winter Falls’ very own mean girl. She thinks it’s a sport to steal men from their partners. She probably has a scoreboard somewhere in her dungeon where she keeps track of how many hearts she’s broken.

“Damon!” Brody shouts before pointing at Love Hill. “Deal with it.”

Brody’s oldest brother, who’s visiting for the wedding, sighs before marching toward Love Hill. Her gaze rakes over him before she licks her lips.

“You should go help your brother. Love Hill will devour him without a second thought.”

Brody chuckles. “Damon can handle her. Besides, I believe you owe me a dance.” He spins me until I end up plastered to him. “There. Much better.”

I push him away to create some space between us. “Much better for whom? My girlfriends are going to tease me about this dance until the end of days.”

He tweaks my nose. “Sounds fair since my brothers have spent the entire evening bawking at me for being a chicken for not asking you to dance.”

My brow wrinkles. “But the music just started.”

“Ah, facts have no effect on teasing amongst brothers.”

“I wouldn’t know.”

He draws me near once again. “Did you want siblings when you were growing up?”

“I did but it wouldn’t have been fair.”

“Wouldn’t have been fair? What do you mean?”

Shit. Why did I open my big mouth?

“Nothing. Forget what I said.”

I can feel his body quake with his laughter. “You’re cute thinking I’ll forget anything you say. I remember every single word you’ve ever spoken to me.”

“Stalker much?”

“I have a deal for you.”

I tilt my head back to look up at him. “You have a deal for me? What’s this deal? What bargaining chips do you have? Or did you forget you’re mooching off me for a place to live?”

Hurt flashes in his eyes. Damn it. I’m a bitch. I promise I’m not normally a bitch but when Brody’s around my hormones go into overload and I blurt things out I shouldn’t. All in an attempt to keep him at arm’s length. I glance down at how our bodies are touching from shoulder to hip.

Great job, Soleil. Keep it up. At this pace, you’ll probably sleep with him before the night is over.

Sleep with him? Visions of him in my bed pop into my mind. But he’s not wearing clothes the way he did before. No, in these visions, he’s completely and utterly naked. I bite my lip as I imagine getting my hands on all of his muscles.

His eyes heat as he stares down at me. “Whatever you’re thinking at this moment, I’m down with.”

“Maybe I’m imagining covering your body in honey and abandoning you in the yard near my beehives.”


I giggle. Leave it to Brody to respond to a threat with ‘kinky’.

“You’re crazy.”

He grins. “And proud of it.”

Ashlyn crashes into me, and I push her away. “What are you doing?”