Page 44 of Bragg's Match

“Sorry. I got carried away dancing.”

Carried away dancing? This is a slow song. Why is she jumping around like she’s in desperate need of the bathroom?

I glance around and notice the dance floor is packed with people jumping around. Hold on. This isn’t a slow song. When did the song end?

“I’m going to win this bet,” Sage declares as she does the twist next to me.

“Don’t bet on it!” Cayenne shouts back at her.

“Project Cub is my favorite!” Petal yells.

I groan and shove my face into Brody’s chest. “Great. Freaking great.”

Brody sways me from side to side as if the slow song was still playing. “I think it’s more than great.”

I glance up at him. “You’re such a dork.”


I scowl at him. “You’re not my anything.”

He smirks. “You’re cuddled in my arms swaying to the music while everyone else is dancing the twist. I’m winning.”

Why am I still cuddled in his arms? Why aren’t I pushing him away? I don’t want him. My body calls me a liar. Okay. Fine. I don’t want to want him. There. Are you happy? My body would be much happier if I lost all of my clothes and went horizontal with Brody.

Not happening. I’m in charge here. Not my body.

River Alston, a kid I grew up with here in Winter Falls, plows his way onto the dance floor.

“Soleil!” he shouts.

I smile at him. “What’s up, River?”

He frowns. “I need you to come with me.”

Brody steps in front of me, blocking River’s view of me. “What’s wrong?”

“You can come, too,” River says to Brody. “I’ll give you a ride.”

Brody grasps my hand and we follow River out of the barn at the Wildlife Refuge where Harmony’s wedding reception is taking place.

“What’s going on?”

River doesn’t answer but points to a golf cart. “Hop in.”

Before I was curious. Now, I’m downright terrified. What is happening?

Chapter 16

Can we vote on who the sexiest fireman is? I vote for River. ~ Message from Petal on the Winter Falls Facebook page

Icling to Brody’s hand as River drives us away from the Wildlife Refuge.

“Will you at least tell me where we’re going?” I ask River.

“To your place.”

“Why? I promise I was behaving.” I try to make light of the situation but he merely grunts in return.