“Of course, I will,” I say lightly.
Gatsby leaves, and Huxley remarks, “I’m impressed.”
“By what?”
“He didn’t blow up, and you didn’t scream. It’s like you two can actually talk now instead of competing.” Huxley nudges me playfully. “My baby sister is maturing.”
I roll my eyes. “Whatever. I need to get going.”
“You just need to push away that crush you have for Ben and make sure the fucker you’re dating is safe,” Huxley says, kissing my forehead. “Stay away from Benedict, and call me if you need anything.”
“Thank you,” I say sincerely before climbing into my car.
As I sink into the seat, relief floods through me. My family won’t be exiling Benedict because of my stupid feelings. Everything will be okay.
Chapter Fourteen
Cory: How dare you bring up that kiss?
Ben: Sorry.
Cory: That’s all you can say? Sorry? I don’t even know what you’re sorry about.
Ben: Then, maybe we should get together to discuss it in person.
Cory: Nope.
Ben: Listen, I want to figure things out between us.
Cory: There’s no between us, Ben.
Ben: Can we talk?
Cory: No, and I know Fern invited you to the winery this Sunday, but this is your invitation not to be there.
Ben: You know that makes no sense, right?
Cory: I’m uninviting you, does that make sense to you?
Ben: Why?
Cory: Because I don’t want to see you.
Ben: You’ve made that perfectly clear, but this is a family dinner.
Ben: Hello, is this thing still on?
Ben: Cordelia, what’s happening?
Cory: I was about to say that you’re not family, but I’m not cruel.
Ben: What’s really happening? I get that I did something that pissed you off (still trying to figure out what), but you need to tell me so I can fix it, babe.
Cory: a) don’t call me babe.
b) I just don’t want you in my life.
c) There’s nothing to fix.