Page 30 of Where We Belong

Ben: Wow, so really nothing, huh? Like you’re actually telling me to fuck off and leave your family, aren’t you?

Cory: I wouldn’t do that. They’re yours too.

Ben: What did I do?

Cory: Let it go, okay?

Ben: How can you ask me that when you’re practically telling me that you don’t want to see me ever again?

Cory: I’m just asking you not to go this Sunday.

Ben: Sure, but now I’ve come to realize that for the past six months, you’ve been absent from your family’s celebrations to avoid me. You really don’t want me in your life. I want to know why, and then, I’ll walk away.

Cory: You need them.

Ben: No. I need you, but if I can’t have you, I won’t come between you and your family.

Cory: Ben, those are not my intentions.

Ben: Talk to me, just one last time, and then I’ll leave you alone.

Cory: I’ll think about it. Don’t contact me please.

Chapter Fifteen


After reading Cory’s last text, a heavy weight settles in my chest, stifling my breath. This could be the last time I speak to her. If I do this, I might lose the Spearmans—the one family that’s been there for me since I left home at seventeen.

For years I’ve been afraid, but it’s time that I find the courage and put all my cards on the table. If I ever want Cory to love me, I have to handle this like an adult. This is my only move, and even when I might lose her and all the Spearmans, I have to do it.

So, I make the call I’ve been avoiding for what feels like an eternity.

On the first ring, Heath’s gruff voice answers, “Yeah?”

I hesitate, my throat tightening. “Do you remember threatening me years ago? About seeing your sisters as more than friends or family?”

His chuckle has a sharp edge. “No, I distinctly recall saying ‘I’ll fuck you up if you cross that line.’”

I rub my temple. “Semantics. But you do remember it happened, right?”

He snorts. “The sentiment stands. And if you’re hinting that you’re falling for Fern, Elliot might be the one adjusting your pretty face.”

“Can you take this seriously for one second?”

After a heavy moment, Heath sighs. “What the fuck do you want, Benedict?”

I draw in a shaky breath, letting the words tumble out. “I’m in love with Cory.”

Silence rings for several beats before Heath groans loudly. “You’re confused because she helped you with Bernie. Get over this little crush and move on. My sister is off-limits.”

I grit my teeth, gathering my courage. “Heath, listen to me. Please don’t interrupt.”

I take his silence as permission to continue. Swallowing hard past the lump in my throat, I start, “It happened the first Christmas I spent at your house—or maybe the first day I went to Paradise Bay.” I stare down at my hands, unable to believe I’m finally confessing this secret I’ve kept for so long.

Slowly, haltingly, I recount everything—how Cory captured my heart from that very first holiday we spent together. How over the years, my feelings for her grew, even as I knew nothing could ever happen between us. Nothing I’ve tried has stopped me from loving her. In fact, every day I love her even more, including the way she took in Bernie and cared for her as if she’s part of the family.

My daughter doesn’t miss having a mother because she has Cory. Though, because of my friendship with Heath and stupid misconceptions, I didn’t allow this to happen.