Page 35 of Star Power

She’d met with Jerry at nine to start her day after having slept just a few hours the night before. She’d been wired after driving back from the cabin, her mind jumping from one thought to the next.

If she wasn’t thinking about Lara and why she couldn’t just say that she’d accidentally told someone, Charlotte was thinking about how some sick pap spent their weekend crouched in the bushes around her house, their lens peeking through the leaves.

At around four o’clock in the morning last night, she decided it would be a good idea to go on social media and see what people were saying about her.

She probably shouldn’t have been surprised that most people were happy for her, but it wasn’t her fans she was worried about. It was the sleazy tabloids, writing sensationalized headlines.

Charlotte Dixon Can’t Keep Her Hands Off Hot Younger Girlfriend

She sent Ada a text, asking her if she was free for a phone call, but she texted back, asking her to come over.

Charlotte closed her eyes for a few seconds. The last thing she wanted to do was go back out. Thankfully, the paparazzi weren’t sitting outside her house right now. That was one thing to be grateful for. So, she could go out.

She knew she wouldn’t sleep again tonight if she didn’t talk to someone about this, and right now, at this point in her life, Ada was that person.

Not that Ada could make this go away, but at least she could relate. It hadn’t come up with Lara yet, but this was one of the problems with dating someone who wasn’t as famous as she was. Lara just couldn’t relate to this, to having her face all over the internet with hundreds of people commenting about her steamy weekend away.

Until someone experiences that level of public scrutiny, it’s impossible to relate.

Luckily, the tabloids hadn’t figured out who Charlotte had been with. Lara’s back was to the camera in just about all the photos, and the one or two where it wasn’t, the picture wasn’t clear enough to identify her.

Charlotte pushed herself off the couch, and sent her driver a message to swing by as soon as he could.

It had to be Lara.

Hopefully, she’d just told someone and was afraid to admit it. A friend. A family member. Maybe she’d told Nina in passing and didn’t remember it.

Privacy was so important to Charlotte. Slip ups like this were a disaster, but she would forgive Lara for making that mistake.

If she owned up to it.

If they couldn’t be honest with one another… What were their chances really?


Lara stifled a yawn as she kicked off her ankle boots, leaving them in the hallway, too tired to bend down and pick them up. That was the kind of day she was having.

Normally, she kept the house tidy, and stuff like that, leaving things all over the place would have bothered her. But not today.

She’d hardly slept last night after Charlotte dropped her off. Even though it had been the middle of the night, her mind wouldn’t switch off, so she got three or four hours of restless sleep, and now she was paying for it.

But at least she’d made it through her work day. Her stomach rumbled as she flicked through her phone on the way to the kitchen. Today was not a day for cooking. She needed someone to deliver her food. Something to make her feel better. Chinese maybe?

At least Nina had acted normal today, not asking her anything about her weekend or even bringing up the tabloid headlines.

Lara slid onto a bar stool and ordered her food, her phone ringing in her hands just after she’d paid.

She answered it. “Hey, Kerri.”

“Hey. I’ve been meaning to call you,” Kerri said with a sigh. “Things have been surprisingly busy here. But Rachel showed me the headlines. Because of Charlotte. But it didn’t take me long to tell that it was you in those photos. First of all, I’m happy if it’s true, if you’re with Charlotte and you’re happy, of course. But I’m sorry that you’re all over the internet like that.”

“Yeah,” Lara said, covering her face with her hand. “It’s true. I am the mystery younger woman.”

“Ada had said that Charlotte had met someone.”

“She didn’t say it was me?” Lara asked as she got up and moved into the living room, needing to be more comfortable.
