Page 36 of Star Power

That shouldn’t have surprised Lara. Ada was trustworthy like that.

Lara flopped onto the couch. “I haven’t heard anything from Charlotte. We came back in the middle of the night last night, and she left without coming in. I know it was late, but…”

“Breaches of privacy to someone as famous as Charlotte are…” Kerri sighed. “It’s hard to explain how much this’ll affect her.”

“It’s just… We’ve had an amazing three or four weeks together now. I think she was just starting to believe that we could really work.” Lara could hear the sadness in her own voice. “And then this… And she hasn’t said as much, but she definitely thinks this was my fault.”

“How could it be your fault? Maybe someone followed you?”

“No. Charlotte kept an eye on the road behind us. I don’t think anyone did follow us. And the only two people who knew about our plans were me and Jerry.”

“Well, I wouldn’t put it past him. Look, just give her some space. She’ll figure out it wasn’t you.”

“I hope so.”

“If you need to get away for a few days, you’re always welcome here.”

That brought a smile to her lips. “Thank you.”

They caught up for a few more minutes, and Lara felt a little better by the time her food arrived, but she just wished that Charlotte would have sent her a text or something. Not hearing from her after the way they left things last night was killing her.


Charlotte thanked Ada as she topped up her wine glass. They were sitting outside, the sun nearly gone as darkness started to set in. Her eyes landed on Ada’s pool, the water calm and still, but it seemed that she couldn’t look at a pool anymore without remembering that night at Lara’s, the one that started all of this nearly a month ago.

“So,” Ada said, getting comfortable beside her on the outdoor furniture. “Is there any way that someone might have followed you out there?”

“No. I had my eyes on the mirrors every few seconds. I would have noticed. You know the way I drive.”

Ada gave her a lopsided smile. “Two years playing a top secret government agent on a thriller series…”

“I do think about her occasionally. How I’d love to play her again.”

“Sounds like you kinda did.” Ada took a sip of wine. “So if you weren’t followed…”

“Then it was Lara or Jerry. They were the only ones who knew. Lara said that she didn’t tell anyone. That her new P.A. didn’t know.”

“And what did Jerry say?”

Charlotte took a drink. “I didn’t ask him. I met him this morning to make a plan. ‘Damage control,’ as he likes to call it,” she said with a sigh.

“I don’t think Lara did this.”

“Maybe not purposely. And what does that mean? That Jerry did? That he tipped off the paps?”

Ada gave her a look. “He’s never been the most ethical agent.”

“Fuck,” Charlotte muttered before she took a long drink, doubt creeping in.

“How did you leave things with Lara?”

“I didn’t. I just left last night. I was all over the place. I’d just had one of the best weekends of my life, and while I’m still out there enjoying myself, it all blows up.”

Ada reached for her hand. “Don’t mess this up. Go talk to Jerry. Ask him. Grill him. Do whatever you have to do, because if you don’t, things are never going to go back to the way they were with Lara. She’s not going to trust you when you didn’t believe her. You’ve got to sort this out, Charlotte.”

“I know.”

Charlotte closed her eyes for a second, knowing she had to go see Jerry right now.