“Hmm.” Yves paces. “Anyone have ideas on how to get into the compound?”
“I think I do,” Hale says. “I’ll go. As soon as they see me, all hell will break loose, so we must be prepared.”
Twisting my lips, I nod. “I think Hale is right. If they recognize him, which they will, since I did…” I shrug. “Yeah. Chaos.”
Yves gives a curt nod. “Okay then. Once we’re in, some of us should go in search of the blood king and the others should evacuate the compound. Then we burn the fucker to the ground.”
“I should call Carina.”
Eros rubs my back. “Will she help?”
“I think so if I tell her what’s happening.”
“Who is Carina?” Raphael asks.
“She runs the safe house where I live. She helps rescue former cult members.”
“Excellent,” Syn says. “Will she have room for anyone who chooses to go with us?”
I shrug. “Don’t know. I need to ask her.” I turn to Eros. “Will she know I’ve changed?”
“Not automatically. Not unless you show your features. To be fair, it’s harder to control in the beginning. A phone call would be preferrable.”
“Okay. I know where the blood king should be if what they told us about the Supreme Being is true. He lives in a large house directly behind the compound. It’s heavily guarded.”
“Not a problem for us,” Thorn says.
“Please,” Callias says. “I need to be involved. I need to see him pay for what he did to us.”
Yves nods. “You’ll be with me and Syn.”
“And Thorn,” Syn says.
“Right. Callias, Thorn, Syn, and I will tackle the Supreme Being. Raphael, Midnight, Eros, and the others will handle evacuation. Hale, please go with them.”
“Bowie stays with me,” Syn says.
Bowie shakes his head. “My strength is better suited for helping people get out.” He kisses his surly lover on the cheek. “We’ll meet up again soon.”
Syn huffs his discontent but nods. “Fine. Okay.”
“Let me call Carina to tell her what’s going on. She needs to be prepared for this if we’re really taking down Nightsky tonight.”
“Let us know what she says,” Yves says.
Eros walks with me to his unit, clutching my hand in his. “Are you nervous?” he asks.
“Very. My parents are there, but I don’t think they’ll leave. So many loyal people…” I shake my head. “I’m scared for them.”
“We’ll do our best to get people out.”
“I know.”
I sit on the couch, holding my phone in my hand. That’s when I notice the lack of physical reaction to my nerves. No sweat, no heavy breathing or pounding heartbeat. Just… neutral. That’s kind of cool.
My stomach rumbles again, but I can’t deal with that distraction. I have a task to do. I dial Carina’s number, realizing I didn’t look at the time to see how late it is. She answers, sounding perky and awake.
“Hi, Carina. It’s Justice.”