“Hi. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, totally okay. Um… I have something to tell you and I’m just gonna say up front, it’s gonna sound pretty wild, but I swear it’s absolutely true, and we need your help.”
“Oooh-kay. Lay it on me.”
“What if I told you that Nightsky isn’t just some weird cult, but it’s a blood cult?”
“Well, that’s obvious, Justice. The holy vat?”
“Right, um, I should be more clear.” I glance at Eros who smiles and nods at me. “It’s a blood cult because it’s run by… well, by, um, vampires.”
I wait for her to start laughing, but she’s dead silent for a few seconds, until she murmurs, “Vampires.”
“Yeah. I know it’s sounds crazy, but I know it’s real now.”
“No. It doesn’t. I mean, it does, but we talked about this. Where did you hear it?”
“I ran into someone who confirmed it. He used to be part of it. He’s…” I pause.
“He’s a vampire, Carina. I saw proof. He knew so much about Nightsky. The blood king isn’t dead. He’s the Supreme Being and their goal is to wipe out mortals and be the dominant race.”
I scrunch my nose up, glancing at Eros. It sounds like nonsense when you say it out loud.
“Is that why… The Vessel and Eternal Bliss?” Carina blows out a breath as she speaks in broken sentences. “All of it?”
“The disciples become vampires. Eternal Bliss is where they bleed you out. The unworthy are killed and used for their blood.”
“Fuck,” she whispers. “It’s so much worse than we knew. You’re positive?”
“Absolutely. I’ve seen stuff with my own eyes.”
“Okay, um, what do you need from me?”
“I know some people who are going to invade the compound tonight and kill the Supreme Being. I’m going to try to get innocent people out, but they’ll need a place to go. I know it’s last minute, but is there any way you can help? I don’t know where else to go.”
“I’ll make it happen, Justice. You get them to me, and they’ll have a place. Are you sure you’re okay? This sounds dangerous.”
“It is, but I have a lot of backup. I’ll be okay.”
“I’ll get ready.”
After I end the call, I sit motionless for a second, imagining seeing my parents after defecting. They must know by now that I’m gone. Morning roll call would have revealed my exit. I hope they forgive me, but knowing what I know now, I mostly hope they’ll agree to leave. If they won’t, there won’t be anything left for them anyway.
Eros kneels in front of me. “Are you okay, my love?”
I nod, touching his cheek. “I’m good. Just thinking. Did the other vampires leave?”
“No. They’re at Lair. Yves is going to let them know what’s going on.” He takes my hands in his. “I know this is a lot, but it’s the right thing to do.”
“I know. The cult was no good even before I knew their evil intentions.”
“The way of cults.”
“Right. When this is all over, will you teach me how to be a good vampire? Like, you said it was an honor thing not to kill other vampires. Will you teach me stuff like that?”
“Of course. Anything you want to know.”