“Fuck you,” I growl, tearing his throat open.
His nails cut into my flesh, threatening to break through my ribs, but then his weight is off me. I look up to see Justice with a proud smile on his face and a large wooden table leg in his hand.
“I hit him,” Justice says.
I grab the stick Justice is holding and roll over just in time to stake my attacker. Taking a second to catch my breath, I shift my focus to Justice, ready to carry him away to safety.
Right before my eyes, a vampire swoops in and grabs Justice around the throat, lifting him off his feet and dropping him to the ground. Justice lands with a thud and his body lies limp at my feet, lifeless.
The sight sends me into a rage I didn’t know I was capable of. I lunge at the offending vampire, ripping his head straight off his shoulders and releasing a roar that shakes the walls.
Every one of these fuckers is about to die.
Chapter Thirty-Five
That’s the only thing I can feel right now. Not even fear. Just intense pain spreading through me as my life slowly drains away.
I hear Eros scream and watch through blurry eyes as he tears through bodies. His brothers can only watch, astounded. I want to call out to him. I want to tell him I love him before I can’t.
I don’t want to die. Not yet. Not when I’m on the brink of finding real happiness. I can’t leave Eros. He needs me.
I need him.
Tears leak from my eyes. I’m dying. I gasp for air. No.
Please, Eros. Save me. Please.
Chapter Thirty-Six
Yves’s hand on my shoulder snaps me out of my rage-driven massacre. When I blink, I’m surrounded by the bodies of vampires. Their leader, Callias, is wrapped in silver chains, kneeling defiantly at Thorn and Tiago’s feet.
“Your mate needs you,” Yves says softly.
“He’s dead.”
“No.” Yves puts his hand on my chest over my heart. “Feel him. He’s alive, but barely.”
I search the room, finding Justice’s body on the floor, his head propped up on Bowie’s thigh as Tru holds his hand. I rush to his side, falling to my knees.
“Justice. I’m here.”
He doesn’t respond, but his eyes flutter behind closed lids. His neck wound is severe, and Syn is holding his open wrist over it, dripping his blood into the wound to slow the wound’s progression.
“You have to save him, Eros,” Yves says from behind me. “He will die otherwise.”
“He… he doesn’t want to be a vampire. He’s not ready.”
Yves kneels beside me. “He won’t have time to decide if you wait much longer.”
Conflicting emotions grip me. Do I go against his desires to keep him with me, or sit here helplessly watching my mate fade from this life?