Page 85 of Always Eros

“Here we go,” Thorn says.

Tiago opens the large wooden door and steps out with a horde of vampires behind him. Me and my coven make up the second line, with our friends grouped around us. The motorcycles come to a stop on the gravel drive, and a man with very pale skin dressed all in black climbs off his bike, his grin menacing and the promise of violence swirling around him. His green eyes glow bright in the darkness.

“I see we were expected,” he says. “My name is Callias.”

“Don’t give a fuck what your name is,” Tiago says. “You’re uninvited.”

Callias shrugs. “So I am, but I come to you with an offer.”

“We need nothing from you,” Yves says, appearing next to Tiago. “This is Orpheus territory, and you are trespassing.”

Callias glares at Yves, and Syn moves forward defensively. “State your business,” Syn growls. “Or face the consequences.”

“I had heard you New Onyx bunch were assholes,” Callias says, sneering. “My business is to save our species.”

“From what?” Yves demands.

“Slavery,” Callias says. “We’ve been the target of a blood cult for centuries, and now, they are ready to increase their efforts to take over. I’m simply spreading the word and building an army.”

Hale pushes his way forward. “It’s you. I recognize your voice. You attacked my coven.”

Before any of us, including Callias, can react, Hale launches himself at the offending vampire, and everything dissolves into chaos.

Mild mannered Hale is in full beast mode, tearing through vampires while Callias breaks free and attempts to take cover like a coward. I don’t have much time to observe as I’m attacked from behind. I fight off the vampires, tearing through flesh and doing my best to keep them away from the back of the club.

As bodies fly and blood splashes, there’s only one thought on my mind.

Get back to Justice.

It’s the only thing that matters.

Chapter Thirty-Three


I sit crouched in a corner, listening to the sounds of vicious fighting. Every time the sound of a body smashing into a wall or furniture reaches me, I flinch, filled with worry about Eros.

Somehow, I can sense him. His emotions are like my own, making my heart race and my body tingle with an energy I’ve never experienced before.

Becoming restless, I stand and pace the small room, but as curiosity takes over common sense, I push the table to the window and climb up, pulling the wood shutter open and realizing I can see the entire club from here.

I was not prepared for the carnage. Bodies litter the floor, seeming dead, but seconds later, rising again and rejoining the fight. I spot Thorn in the mix, ripping the heart out of a man’s chest before tossing him aside and grabbing another one around the neck.

My stomach turns from the scent and sight of blood everywhere. I see Yves and Syn, Midnight and Raphael, Bowie and Tru, but I don’t see Eros. Panic sets in as I search the chaotic scene for him, finally finding him struggling beneath a much larger man who has his hands wrapped tightly around Eros’s throat.

I scream for Thorn or Yves or someone, but they can’t hear me through the glass. I can’t let Eros get hurt. Without really thinking it through, I jump off the table and cross the small space, reaching through the bars to type in the code. I can’t see the box, so it takes three tries before the clanging locks release and the door slides open.

I rush out, only stopping long enough to pick up a piece of wood from a broken table for protection. Then, blinded by my love for Eros, I dive straight into the middle of the fight.

I have to help Eros.

Chapter Thirty-Four


I feel him long before I see him. The vampire above me is stronger than expected, and I’m finding it difficult to fight him off, but knowing Justice is getting closer is motivation to push a little harder.

“Your heart will look nice in my collection,” the vampire growls, his eyes glowing with rage, his face covered in blood.