“Yes. I look forward to finding a healthy romance in the future. Harris only wanted my body.”
We sit silently under the tree for a few minutes before Micah speaks again.
“I guess if I had a man who was at least interested me, I would see it through. Maybe your heart will get broken, but that’s a chance we take with love, isn’t it?”
“Yes, I suppose so.”
“And if you believe he wouldn’t hurt you no matter what other bad things he might do, then maybe he’s worth facing your fears for. Way I see it, we have a lot of that in our future.”
“You’re right. Thanks, Micah.”
“No problem. Real quick, does he have any hot angel brothers?”
I laugh. “He does, actually. I think a couple of them are still single.”
He waggles his eyebrows. “Well, you know where to find me.”
I leave Micah to his journaling and walk back to the house. All signs seem to point to me seeing Eros again and seeing if we can make it work between us.
I just have to be ready for anything that might come my way and figure out how to separate the man from the actions. If I can do that, maybe we have a chance at something amazing.
Chapter Twenty-Five
As another night fades to morning, I force myself off the window ledge of Justice’s bedroom. Is it creepy that I watched him sleep all night? Probably, but when have I ever been concerned with that?
I gave him two nights to himself, but I couldn’t stay away any longer. Until he’s back in my arms, my focus is him.
In a flash, I’m back home and sulking in the common area. It’s my only shot at avoiding the unrelenting thoughts plaguing me since Justice left me. Yes, my brothers will likely annoy me, but that’s far better than driving myself mad.
Thorn is splayed on the couch, sound asleep as usual. I have no idea why the man doesn’t choose his own bed, but whatever makes him happy. I choose to tuck into my window seat with my poetry book in hand. Maybe I can dump some of these obsessive thoughts onto paper and get them out of my head.
But as I stare at the blank page, it’s nearly impossible to find words that would capture all that Justice is. How does one reduce the essence of sunlight to twenty-six arranged letters? What trite, pedantic phrases could I conjure to embody the light he’s brought to my existence? What angsty nonsense would capture the damage his absence has done to my soul?
“Good goddess, Eros. Who tainted your blood?” Raphael flops into the armchair closest to me.
“I think the phrase is ‘who pissed in your Cheerios,’” Tru says with a sweet smile as he settles on the couch with Midnight.
“I have no idea what a Cheerios is,” Raphael notes. “Anyway, why the sour face?”
“Why are you all awake so early?” I ask.
“You would know if you had been here last night,” Syn says, carrying a tray filled with mugs of warmed blood.
I take one, sipping it, but it does nothing to lift my mood. “What happened now?” I grumble.
“Dimas is on his way for an update,” Syn answers, kicking Thorn’s side with his boot.
Thorn grumbles, but then, sniffing the blood in the air, he sits up, looking around with half-open eyes until Bowie hands him a mug.
“Ah, the nectar of mortals,” Thorn says, taking a sip. “What in the underworld is going on right now?”
“Yves will join us shortly,” Syn answers, settling into a chair and pulling Bowie onto his lap.
“Where is Hale?” I ask.
“With Yves,” Syn says.