Page 18 of Powerless



“What are you doing today?” Dad asks as we sit at the table, having breakfast.

“Jennifer and I are hanging out with Liam and Kathryn.”

Mom’s brow arches as she lifts her coffee cup to her lips. “Are Liam and Kathryn serious?” I don’t have the opportunity to answer because Dad cuts in.

“You can come to the office with me today,” Dad says. “A senator never takes a day off. He’s there for his people, every single day. Besides, midterms are coming up and we need all hands on deck. Actually, it would be good for Jennifer to accompany you. Start showing yourselves as a couple.”

“That’s a great idea.” A piece of my heart breaks because I know there’s no way of getting out of this. Pushing up out of my chair, I head upstairs to call Jen. She answers on the first ring. “Hey,” I say as I sink on the bed.

“You excited about today?”

“Dad’s making me go into the office with him. He says with midterms coming up, I should be there.”

“Oh,” Jen groans, obviously as upset as I am.

“It gets worse.”

“Oh no.”

“He wants you there too so we can begin our lives in the public eye.” I close my eyes and lean my elbow on my knee as I massage the tension forming across my forehead.

“Here we go,” she says. “What time will you pick me up?”

I shrug, disappointed that I won’t be spending time with Kathryn. “Say an hour?”

“Alright, I’ll be ready.” Jen sighs, then says, “Bye.”

“See ya.” I hang up and stay seated for a moment before calling Kathryn.

“Hey, you,” she says. Hearing her voice forces a smile to my face.

“I have some bad news.” Kathryn groans. “Jen and I have to go into the office with Dad to help out.”

“What? But we’re supposed to spend today together.”

“I know, I’m sorry.” Kathryn’s silence breaks my heart. This was going to be our first non-date date. It was going to be with Liam and Jen too, but at least we could’ve used them as cover in case anyone paid attention.

“What if Liam and I come down to help too? I guess, spending time together at the office is better than not at all.”

“I can’t drag you into this.”

“I’m offering.”

I perk up at the thought this might work. “Let me call Liam and I’ll call you back.”


“What is it?”

“I really want us to be together today. If we have to sneak around, then so be it.”

A massive smile tugs at my lips. “Let me see what I can do.” Fuck, I’m a damn goner when it comes to Kathryn. I hang up and call Liam. “Change of plans,” I say when he answers.

“What’s going on?”