Page 19 of Powerless

I explain today’s situation and that Kathryn is on board with it. We spend a few moments hashing out the details, and then I call Kathryn to let her know what we’re doing.

With a spring in my step, I take a quick shower and dress in one of the suits Dad has deemed appropriate for the office. “I’m going to pick up Jennifer,” I call to Mom who’s in her library reading.

“Okay. Have fun, darling.”

I sure as hell will, now that I know Kathryn will be there.

* * *

I keep eagerly looking toward the door, anticipating Kathryn. “Are you waiting for someone, son?” Dad asks.

“Liam said he’ll be coming to help too.”

“Liam’s coming?” Dad smiles proudly. “He’ll make a good addition to your team once you get to this position.” Dad pulls his shoulders back with triumph and pride. He looks over to Jen, who’s had filing dumped on her. “She’ll make a good senator’s wife too.”

“Uh-huh,” I agree. As long as that senator is female. The front door opens, and I look toward it to see Kathryn walking in with Liam by her side. My mouth dries and my heartbeat quickens as I watch her enter the office like she’s stepping on air. Everything about Kathryn is perfection, from her dark-brown hair, to her rich chocolate eyes. She exudes strong sex appeal.

“Who’s that?” Dad asks, interrupting me from staring at the most beautiful woman in the world.

“That’s Kathryn.”

“Liam, it’s good to see you again.” Dad confidently heads toward Liam and holds his hand out.

“Sir,” Liam says as he shakes his hand.

“Hey.” I give Liam a jerk of the chin. “Kathryn,” I say as I step forward and place a kiss on her cheek. My heart hammers as I linger for a few seconds too long. Kathryn’s breath hitches as she discreetly skims her fingertips across the back of my hand. I have to break this connection, or I’m going to do something stupid. Like really kiss her with heat and passion. Or take Kathryn in my arms and refuse to let her go. I take a hesitant step back, and turn to my father. My resolve is rapidly declining, and I’m on the verge of telling Dad that Jen and I will never be. But Kathryn...she’s my forever.

“I’d like to introduce you to Kathryn, my girlfriend,” Liam jumps in when he sees my hesitation. His eyes slightly widen, silently screaming at me not to ruin the arrangement we’ve all agreed upon.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kathryn,” Dad says as he extends his hand to her.

“Thank you,” she timidly replies and tucks loose strands of her hair behind her ear.

“Where do you want us, sir?” Liam asks as he places his hand to the small of Kathryn’s back.

I have to shove my hands in my pockets so no one sees me balling them into fists. I take a step backward and shake my head to dislodge the murderous thoughts I’m carrying for my best friend. I know he’d never betray me, but the fact he’s touching her when I can’t angers me. “I should get back to doing what I was doing,” I say before turning to leave.

I see Dad giving Liam and Kathryn direction. Liam heads over and sits on the chair next to me. “You’ve gotta cool it, man.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I just saw you touch her and I nearly lost my shit.” I pinch the bridge of my nose, frustrated with myself. “I know you wouldn’t ever betray me.”

“You’re right, I wouldn’t. I know she’s your girl, but we all have to pretend if it means we keep Jen from being outed.”

“I know,” I grumble with further irritation. “I lost myself for a moment, and I just saw red.”

“Fuck, Bennett,” Liam sighs. I lift my gaze to look at him and slowly raise my shoulders. “I’ve never seen you like this over a chick before. You’ve got it bad.”

“Shut up,” I murmur. Although, the truth of it is that I do in fact have it really bad for Kathryn.

A warm hand touches my back, a gentle aroma of lavender drifts past me, and I instantly know that it’s not Kathryn. “Jennifer.” I smile as I turn to look at her. My Dad is watching us intently from his office.

Jen’s face breaks into a large smile. She leans down and places a small kiss on my cheek before whispering, “Your dad is watching.”

I clasp her hand in mine and squeeze. “I know.” I lift her hand and kiss her knuckles.

“This is so gross,” she says while maintaining her fake smile.

“Thanks,” I reply with genuine humor.