“You’re not your brother’s keeper, Dominic. He made these choices for himself, and now he’s going to have to pay for them.”
“Signore?” Maria says when she sees us walk into the house. “Is she okay?”
“She will be.” The house is a flurry of commotion as my men gather, ready for the orders I’ll be giving once I can confirm that Eliza and Adrian are on the yacht.
“Sir,” Dante says as he sits at my desk. “Here.” He points to the screen. Dominic and I walk around to see that Adrian has indeed taken over my yacht. “He’s killed the two staff, but left the captain.” He flicks over to another camera where the captain is badly beaten and tied to a chair, and two bodies are slumped to the ground next to the chair. Both bodies have bullet holes in their heads.
I cross my arms in front of my chest and grind my teeth as I stare at Adrian doing lines while my girl is naked and tied on the floor beside him.
“My men are ready,” Dominic says.
“I have a team ready too,” Dante adds. “On your go-ahead, sir.”
I give them both the nod. “I want him alive and in my shed.”
“Yes, sir,” Dante says.
“With fucking pleasure,” Dominic agrees and moves out of the office.
“Dante,” I call before he leaves.
“Whoever’s had a hand at assisting Adrian dies.” Dante draws his brows together but nods. “When are all the Fallen in the clubhouse?”
“Generally on Friday and Saturday nights.”
“Find out when they have their meetings.”
“Certainly,” he says cautiously.
“When they’re all in the clubhouse, chain the doors, and set the fucking thing on fire. They all die.”
A glint of evil passes over Dante. “Consider it taken care of.”
I give him a knowing nod. He knows what he has to do. I fucking own the East Coast. Not Adrian, and certainly not those fucking dirty bikers.
This ends now.
Chapter twenty
I press a kiss onto Eliza’s forehead and take a moment to stare at my girl. “Ruben?” Rose calls in a soft voice. I look over my shoulder and raise my brows. “I’ll take care of her.” Rose steps forward and gently places her hand on my back. “Go and finish that fucker.”
My mind is torn between what I should do. I want to stay with Eliza, but until she wakes there’s nothing I can do for her. “Ruben,” Josiah says. My teeth grind together as I return my attention to Eliza. There’s dried blood on her hairline, while the bruises are rapidly darkening. “Do what you have to do.”
“I won’t leave her side,” Rose adds.
They’re right, I have to deal with Adrian. This needs to end, now. Standing, I look to Rose. “The moment she’s awake, you need to text me.”
“I will.” Rose’s blue eyes aren’t as intense as Eliza’s. But in this moment, I can see how effected she is by what her sister’s gone through. “I ask only one thing from you, Ruben.”
“Which is?”
She tilts her head down and intakes a sharp breath. “Make that fucker hurt.” The hate rolling off her is intense.
A humorless snicker escapes me. “I will.”