I move to leave but Rose throws her arms around me and whispers, “Thank you for bringing my sister back.”
I pat her body awkwardly as I push her off me and side step her. Rose is a good kid, but this hugging shit isn’t my thing. I leave my bedroom and head down to the shed. Once inside Dominic approaches me. “Is she okay?”
“She will be,” I reply as I stare at my unconscious nephew who’s been stripped down to his boxers and is chained to the chair. I click my tongue to the roof of my mouth as I advance toward Adrian. His head is lolled to the side, and there’s a line of drool dripping from his mouth.
“Uncle,” Dominic says from behind me.
“I’d like to get this started.”
I shift my body to look at Dominic who’s already standing by the utility cabinet holding a switch blade. I glance at Dante and say, “Wake him.”
Dante smirks and walks over toward Adrian. He balls his hands into fists and lays a quick succession of blows into his face. He steps back and straightens as Adrian groans. “What the fuck?” Adrian slowly straightens his head and flutters his eyes open. He looks around the room, and when he realizes where he is, he attempts to move his arms. Though the shackles restrict him and keep him exactly where I want him. “Do you have any idea who you’re fucking with?” he yells as if he has power.
“Dante,” I command. Dante steps backward and I drift closer. I shove my hands in my pockets as I stand staring at my nephew. “We have a problem, Adrian.”
“My men are going to tear you apart. They’re loyal to me, and they all want you dead,” he says through a clenched jaw.
“Your men?” A smile tugs at my lips. “They’re already being dealt with.” I slowly pace in front of Adrian. “Each and every one of them.”
Adrian’s features soften as he darts his gaze around the room. “What do you want?” The quiver in his voice is music to my ears. “I can give you the Fallen.”
“In return for what?”
“My life.”
There’s no way he’s leaving my shed with a heartbeat.
“You think you deserve to fucking breathe?” Dominic asks as he approaches Adrian. The blows are quick, and keep coming strike after strike.
“Dominic,” I command in a small voice. Dominic steps back and stretches his fingers while Adrian spits and a few teeth fall to the ground. “Not yet, son.” I place a hand to Dominic’s shoulder.
“Fucking end me!” Adrian begs.
“What did you do to Eliza?”
Adrian scoffs and rolls his eyes. “That fucking cunt.” He intakes a shaky breath and spits more blood to the floor. “You’re doing this over that fucking pussy?”
“What did you do to her?” I repeat in a low voice. Dominic straightens and takes a step forward, but I lift my hand and gesture for him to stop.
“You’re fucking soft.” Adrian’s posture stiffens. “Women are nothing more than fucking holes to fill. And here you are, destroying family loyalty for a fucking cunt.”
Dominic smashes his fist into Adrian’s eye. The cracking of bones makes me smile. Dominic steps back and stares at his brother with a loathing murderous glare. “You broke the fucking bonds, not our Uncle.”
“Dominic.” I hold my hand out and he looks at it with confusion. “Knife.” Dominic retrieves the switch blade from his pocket and hands it to me. I flick the knife up and step in front of Adrian. “Talk.” With quick movements I slash through his skin, making small cuts all over his torso.
“Fuck you!” Adrian screams.
“No? You’re not going to tell me what I want to know?” I remain cool and calm, though all I want to do is end him. But, I’ve seen the scars on my girl, I’ve traced them all over her body. And now I want the same for my nephew. To fill his body with the same cuts she had to endure.
“Fuck you,” Adrian cries as he attempts to move his shackled body from the blade.
I stop and step backward. “Salt,” I say while keeping my focus on Adrian. His eyes widen and he intakes a sharp yet shallow breath.
Dante opens the utility drawer and retrieves a bag of salt. He walks over, extends his hand for the switch blade and cuts the bag open, pouring it over all the small cuts. Adrian shrieks as he squirms and fights the shackles. “Fuck you! Fuck you!”
I flick Dante a look and jerk my head to the side, indicating for him to step away. “What did you do with my drugs?”