Bryce jots something down on his clipboard. "We’re proud of you for speaking openly and honestly, Calloway. You deserve a happy dance."
Everyone gets up as Bryce turns on a face-paced tune about baby sharks. Laughter fills the room as Littles wiggle and move their hips, bouncing in circles as they sing.
Calloway looks at me, then holds my hand. He bounces lightly up and down on his feet, so softly that he barely jumps off the ground. He keeps Constable Charlie locked in his arms, so my old teddy’s head doesn’t sway this way and that.
I smile and place my hands on Calloway’s waist. I lift him into the air, then make airplane noises as I zoom him around, bzzing and pttthbting as I twirl him in circles, taking care not to smack his head on one of the support beams that keep this room of the Hug Club standing.
Constable Charlie flies out of Calloway’s hand, and he screams, except then BJ catches the teddy and hands him back to Calloway.
"Thank you for saving my teddy," Calloway yells.
BJ flashes Calloway a thumbs up. "My pleasure."
Calloway begins to cry. A circle of tears flies all around us, a tornado of emotion that occurs because I’m still spinning him 'round and 'round. The droplets splatter on everyone, hitting them in their faces and chests, but they don't grow cross because they know that Calloway can’t help but become emotional after such a profound breakthrough.
At last, I set Calloway down. My fingers tick his chin up, making sure he stares into my eyes. "I’m so proud of you."
Calloway doesn’t move, doesn’t break eye contact. He looks at me like I’m his savior, which melts my heart.
"You’re my everything, Daddy. Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me to be open with my emotions. Hearing everyone’s stories tonight let me know that I’m not broken. I’m like many other Littles here. I’m normal, Daddy."
I hug my boy. Tight, strong, refusing to let him go. These are the moments every Daddy lives for. When their boy’s confidence grows, and they become strong and secure in themselves.
My lips are a mere two inches from Calloway’s. I could go for it. So easily. Would he be upset if I did? That’s when it hits me that, au contraire, he’d be crosser if I didn’t.
I crush my lips to Calloway’s. Time stops as I swirl my tongue around his cheeks, claiming him, telling him that I’ve got him, he’s safe, I’m not going anywhere.
Calloway swoons into my body, giving his mouth to me. His petite hips cant against mine, and when I cup his ass to keep him standing, a moan flies out of his lips.
"I like you so much you don't even understand it, Daddy." Fresh tears bloom in his eyes, turning them into mirrors that reflect the love I feel for him that damn near transforms my pupils into hearts. "My heart’s funny. In here."
"Let’s hope it’s not a heart attack from all that sugar you must be eating to make yourself so sweet," I rasp, fending off the emotion welling up inside me.
I’m a hopeless sap.
It’s been ages since I’ve cried. I’m not sure that I’ve shed a single tear since I became a lawyer. That changes today.
A single tear trickles out of my left eye. My eyelid quivers, attempting to keep it locked up, so it can stay nice and moist. No luck. The tear has a mind of its own, and it demands attention. It wants everyone, especially Calloway, to see it, to know that I, Mr. Tough Lawyer, have feelings, too.
"You’re crying, Daddy."
"Only one tear," I growl, because the last person I want to be like is Wren, who creates new waterfalls every time he brings Waxley into his arms.
Calloway traces the tear with his trembling index finger, then lets out helpless sobs. The sound is so loud that I press him to my chest. "Perfect, perfect boy. No need to cry. Gonna give your Daddy a broken heart."
"My Daddy shows emotion like me." Calloway can’t believe this. "You never cry, Daddy. Not once since we got together."
Oh, gods. A second one is straining at my eye hole. It burns, ready to push itself out.
I let that traitorous tear out, charging down my cheek and clinging to my jaw, where it remains like a tattoo of love for my boy. "Look what you made Daddy do."
I’m in love with Calloway. Hopelessly and utterly. I don't want to live a day on this Earth without him in my life.
Bryce smiles as he walks over to us. "You two better enter the Best Hugger competition next weekend. You’re strong contenders."
Best Hugger competition?
There’s no way we won’t win.