Page 96 of Wet Screams

“How could you tell?” Cody said. “It could be walking around looking like anyone.”

“Deputy Walsh and I will be on alert,” Lucia said. “That thing killed seven people in all. I don’t want there to be an eighth.”

Cody didn’t have anything to say to that, so he just shook his head and looked away. He’d stood outside their office and watched the nix lure Jordie away from the fitness center to his death. He hadn’t liked the guy, but nobody deserved that.

“We also found the body of one of the members of the Parks Department. He’d been working as a guide for the logging cabin out there for years. The ME thinks he was the first victim, or at least the oldest we’ve found.”

“What about Hannah?” Cody asked. “The woman from our training classes?”

“Deputy Walsh and I did a welfare check at her apartment. She’s alive and well.”

“You sure it was her and not a nix?” Cody said.

“I said the word ‘nix’ and she didn’t react like that thing at the pond. We didn’t do a blood test, either, but I’m ninety-five percent sure she was human. She didn’t seem too upset to hear about Jordie being dead, however.”

“Yeah, she’s human,” Cody said as Demmy chuckled.

“Either way, I’ll keep an eye on her,” Lucia said.

“I have a kind of inappropriate question,” Demmy said, stepping closer to Lucia. “Did it… feed on them somehow?”

Lucia shook her head. “Not that we can tell. It drowned them and took over their identities. Not sure what was motivating it.”

“Well, I know why it focused on us,” Cody said.

“Oh?” Demmy frowned. “Why’s that?”

“You and I were skinny-dipping out there. It didn’t like us disrespecting its water.”

Even as he said it, Cody felt himself blush as he recalled the two times they’d been skinny-dipping in the pond, especially Demmy’s climax during the first time. As hot as it had been, it had definitely gotten them on the nix’s list.

“Jesus Christ, why did you have to put that image of you two naked and frolicking in my head?” Lucia said, making a face.

“Frolicking?” Cody said at the same time as Demmy.

“Look, whatever the reason it had, all I know is, this town has seen a marked uptick in weirdness since you two opened that business. Maybe it’s a good thing you’ve got a year off. I think you and Parson’s Hollow need a break.”

Cody frowned. “Can we at least be friends and cuddle?”

“I know it’s not what you want, but try to look at it as time for you both to step back and reassess.”

“It almost sounds like you care about us,” Cody said.

Lucia’s radio squelched. “Deputy Durant?”

She pressed the button on the mic attached to her shoulder. “Go ahead.”

“House fire in Hollow Hills. Fire department is requesting sheriff’s deputies for crowd control.”

“I’m on my way. Have Deputy Walsh meet me there.”

Lucia looked at them both, and Cody could tell from her expression that she really, truly hoped the fact that they were no longer catching critters would lead to a drop in the monster cases. He had a feeling she was going to be disappointed.

She looked about to say something, but Demmy cut her off. “Thanks for stopping by to check on us, Lucia. I know you care, in spite of all the shit you give us.”

With a single, firm nod, Lucia turned and disappeared down the driveway. They both waited until they heard her patrol car speed off down the street before saying anything.

“Think she’s right?” Cody asked.