Page 95 of Wet Screams

“Without you? Not a chance.”

“All right, come on,” Zenona said, waving him out the door. When Cody was out in the hall, she smiled at Demetrius. “Get some sleep.”

“Thanks, Zenona, I will.”

The door shut, and Demetrius heard Cody’s voice fade away, talking with Zenona as she most likely herded him toward the elevators. Demetrius smiled, adjusted himself in the bed, and closed his eyes.


“Another damn mouth to feed, and we can barely afford to eat ourselves.”

Cody was going for all out grumpy, but Demmy didn’t seem to care. He just stood beside him and smiled.

“And don’t get me started on the never ending raccoon-proofing that needs to be done inside the garage.”

“He’s cute,” Demmy said. “And God knows we could use a lot more cute in our lives.”

“Your husband no longer satisfies your cuteness quotient?” Cody said with an exaggerated pout.

Demmy looked away from the outdoor coop Cody had cobbled together from an old dog crate and scrap wood Amelia had left in the garage when she’d moved out. He took Cody’s hand and leaned in, whispering, “You’ve graduated from cute to extremely hot and increasingly fuckable.”

Cody felt an instant reaction at the low timber of Demmy’s voice, not to mention his use of the word ‘fuckable.’ Maybe being unemployed wasn’t going to be so bad after all. They could spend their days in bed, making up for lost time.

“What the fuck is that supposed to be?”

They both turned to find Lucia standing in the driveway at the back corner of the house. She was eying the raccoon coop with a mix of disdain and amusement.

“It’s a long story,” Cody grumbled.

“Isn’t everything with you two?” Lucia said. “So, any leads on employment for you two?”

“Not yet,” Cody grumbled. “Maybe something at Ike’s Market.”

“Oh? Bagging groceries?” Lucia smirked. “Bread on top.”

“Story of my life,” Cody said.

“Anyway,” Lucia said. “I’ll keep you two in mind if anything comes up around the station or in town.”

“Just what I always wanted, to work for the town I keep risking my life to protect,” Cody said.

“Someone’s feeling dark,” Lucia said. “Care to open up?”

“No, thanks.”

“We’re both still getting over everything,” Demmy said. “It was… a lot.”

“A lot?” Cody gave Lucia a fierce look. “You saw the state my grandmother was in. She won’t even let me be alone in the room with her right now. She doesn’t understand that some fucking monster from God knows where made itself look like me and tried to lure her to Parson’s Pond and kill her. How do you explain that to a ninety-nine-year-old woman with dementia?”

“I stopped in to visit her earlier today, and she seems to be doing better,” Lucia said. “She didn’t start screaming at the mention of your name.”

“Well, that’s a step forward.” Cody sighed.

“Look, I don’t know what that thing was either...” Lucia said.

“Oliver said it was a nix,” Demmy added helpfully.

“Yeah, well, whatever a nix is, or was, I haven’t seen any signs there was more than that one.”