Page 95 of Always Bayou

He kissed her for several long moments, and only pulled apart when he heard a car door slam. He stood looking down at her, breathing hard. “I don’t really know how I feel. Except that I want you happy. I want you to have what you need.”

“I want you.”

“What youneed,” he said, emphasizing the last word.

“But I—”

“Oh my God, I’m so glad you guys are here!”

They jerked apart as Jordan Landry approached.

“Jordan,” Beau said. He cleared his throat. “What’s up?”

There was no way Jordan and her husband, Fletcher, who was right behind her, hadn’t seen the kiss. But they acted as if they’d just come upon two friends hanging around outside the bar chatting.

“We were just talking about the two of you,” Jordan said, glancing at her husband.

Fletcher was another of the other-side-of-the-family Landry cousins. He was also one of the third-grade teachers at the school. Becca saw him every single day.

“You were talking about us?” Becca asked, pulling her fingers through her hair.

Normally, she’d be surprised by that, but with the way everybody had been scheming, she assumed that they were a topic of conversation regularly.

She knew that Heather, Leo, and Ellie were disappointed by their early return from Evendale. Heather was especially disappointed because they’d forgotten to pick up the plants.

Of course, no one believed that she actually needed those plants.

With that gigantic matchmaking failure, Becca had thought everyone might give up.

She had a suspicion that was not the case when Jordan and Fletcher grinned widely and said, “Come inside. We have something exciting to talk to you about.”

“Actually, I just showed up to give Becca a ride home. She’s had a bit too much to drink.”

She could definitely play along with that. Several people inside, including Ellie, had seen Beau come pick her up.

But her lips were still tingling from his kiss, and more, her heart was still beating hard from what he’d confessed. He was torn up about her leaving. He was mixed up about how he felt. He’d been staying away from her this week because he wanted her so much.

Yeah, she didn’t want to go home. He would drop her off and leave her there alone.

Now she might get another chance to be thrown together with him?

Yes, please. Even if what happened in the bedroom at the bed and breakfast hadn’t happened.

But it had.

Plus, she was maybe leaving. And if he was going to pull back when that happened, then there was now a countdown clock ticking on their time together.

She was definitely going to wring pleasure out of every second she had left with Beau.

“No, I’m feeling great. Let’s go back inside.”

Beau lifted a brow. “Not so drunk then?”

She knew that he knew that she wasn’t. Beau had seen her drunk. She was pretty sure that the minute he’d walked into Ellie’s he’d figured out that she’d lied to get him down there.

Certainly, after he kissed her the way he had, he’d known that she’d only been drinking cola.

“Nope, I’m good. And I want to hear what Jordan and Fletcher are up to.”