Page 96 of Always Bayou

Beau’s heavy sigh was very loud.

They followed Jordan and Fletcher into Ellie’s. Of course the Landrys led them back to the family table at the back of the bar.

It was actually more than one table now. Originally Ellie’s grandkids had gathered around one big, long table. But now that they all had partners, and friends who had turned into family, as well as kids of their own, the tables had expanded to four long tables that were pulled together. In addition to the Landry family, there was the LeClaire family, the firefighters that worked at the local station, the group of friends and the security detail who had come with Fiona Grady when she’d moved to Autre with her giraffes—yes, there were giraffes in Autre, Louisiana. Penguins, too, as a matter of fact. And many other animals.

Becca and Beau were hardly the only non-blood relation and they settled into chairs completely comfortable in the group.

Well, comfortable except for the tension between them.

Becca leaned over and whispered to him, “Relax. Everybody’s going to be able to tell something’s wrong.”

“They’re trying to set us up for something.”

“Of course they are. We knew that was going to keep happening.”

“So, we keep up with it until you move?”

She turned and met his gaze. “I guess we keep it up until it’s over.”

He didn’t look happy. “And when will that be?”

“I’m not sure. But there has to be an endpoint, right?”

Anything he was about to say, was interrupted by Jordan moving to the head of the table and calling, “Okay everyone. I have all the details.”

Becca and Beau gave their attention to Jordan, but Becca could feel the rigidity in his body.

“For anyone who’s missed the story,” Jordan said, her gaze landing on Becca and Beau. “I have as many tickets to the Jason Young concert in Vegas as we want.”

Becca smirked as Beau sat up a little straighter. He was a huge fan.

Almost everyone around here was. Jason was from Bad. He’d played football against the guys Fletcher’s age. And he’d dated Jordan. For years. In fact, their break-up had been a public spectacle that had caused Fletcher to jump on a plane and fly to Vegas to be there for her.

They’d come home married.

“As you know, up until now he’s been an opening act. But now he’s headlining his own tour. He’s also got a local girl from New Orleans, Hayden Ross—who some of you have probably seen on Tik Tok—opening for him.” Jordan beamed at all of them as ifshehad discovered Hayden rather than Sabrina Sterling, the singer-songwriter from Bad who had introduced Hayden to Jason.

“And his next stop is in Vegas,” Jordan went on. “He’s already had a couple of shows in Nashville. Fletcher and I drove up and he was amazing. He does have a couple of dates in New Orleans, so anyone who doesn’t want to go along can see him later on. But—” She gave the table a huge smile. “He’s going to get us as many tickets in Vegas as we need. This show is going to be huge for him. Lots of media coverage and he really would love to have a hometown crowd there. Some people from Bad are coming too. And”—She glanced up at Fletcher—“since that’s where everything changed for Fletcher and I,ata Jason Young show more or less, we thought it would be a really fun trip for us. And we’d love to have you all there with us.”

“Oh my God,” Charlie Landry said, beaming at her friend and cousin-in-law. “That is a fantastic idea.”

Jordan nodded. “It can be just a quick trip. The show is Saturday night and we can all stay at the casino hotel. Flights to Vegas are super cheap and easy to get from New Orleans. I say we all hop out there, have a great weekend, and be back in time for work on Monday.”

Everyone around the table started talking at once.

That gave Beau and Becca some cover to talk just between the two of them.

Beau leaned over. “No way.”

“Come on, it sounds fun,” Becca said to him. “And they’re just including us in the group plan. It’s not really a set up. I really don’t think Jason Young is throwing a concert to get us together.”

“No, but pretty much everyone around this table who is planning to go are couples.”

Becca scanned the table. He was right of course. Most everyone sitting around was coupled up. There were a few single guys, like a couple of the firefighters and the guys who were now working private security for Fiona’s ex-bodyguard, Colin.

But yes, if Beau and Becca went along there would be a lot of couples in the group.

“So what? You love Jason Young. We both do.”