Page 63 of Always Bayou

Had they picked a jackass to set her up with? That was…risky.

No, it wasn’t. He sighed. They’d known he’d come. They’d stick close to her, so nothing bad happened with this guy. But they’d let him get annoying. Then they’d call Beau. And he’d show up.

He’d definitely been protective and a little possessive of Becca while they’d been dating. He wasn’t an easy-going guy. Not when it came to Becca. In most other things, yes. But there were three things that could get him riled up in the blink of an eye: when something bothered his mom, when something messed with his business, and Becca.

Becca topped the list.

And it didn’t matter that they were no longer dating.

But did this mean that they were in on it with the town, or was this just her three closest friends coming to the same conclusion that he and Becca belonged together?

Toby and Sam were definitely in on conspiring to get them back together. Toby would have definitely passed that on to Savannah, and she would have wanted to run with it.

“Savannah,” he said firmly. “Is Becca actually in trouble?”

“No. I mean, this guy is just a little too interested and isn’t taking no for an answer. But I knew that I could call you, and you’d be there for her, so it seemed like the easiest answer.”

Fuck. Savannah had no way of knowing that hit him directly in the chest. That had been some of the problem when they’d dated. Hehadn’tbeen able to be there when Becca called every time. He’d been too fucking far away.

Now she was here. Right next door. Where hecouldbe there for her. She could depend on him, turn to him, as a friend every time.

He wanted that.

Even if it never turned into anything more. For however long she was in Autre.

“Let me talk to her,” he said.

“She’s in the ladies’ room. I think she figured that was the best place to go to avoid him for a little while.”

“Let me talk to her,” he repeated.

“Fine. But she’s going to be mad that I called you.”

Yeah, maybe. Too bad.

He heard movement on Savannah’s end of the phone and then her saying, “Becca? Hey, Beau is on the phone for you.”

“What? Why?”

“Just talk to him.”

There were several beats of silence. Beau turned his truck off the main highway and into New Orleans. He’d be there in ten minutes.

“Beau?” Becca asked a moment later.

“Hey. Everything okay?”

“Yeah. We’re having a great time. What’s going on? Areyouokay?”

Right. She’d think he called Savannah. “I was just checking in. I’m in New Orleans. Remembered you guys were up there tonight. Thought maybe I’d stop by.”

“Savannah left the room,” Becca said. “Why are you really calling?”

“I really am on my way over there.”


“Your friends set you up with the creep, hoping that when he made you uncomfortable, you’d call me.”