Page 62 of Always Bayou

“Yeah. She should,” Savannah agreed slowly. “But you know how sweet Becca is.”

She was. Unless she needed to be not sweet. She knew how to say no in no uncertain terms, how to throw a punch, and how and when to get help. She could hold her own.

So could Savannah. If she wanted a guy to back off—from her or from someone else—she’d put her sassy self right in front of him, point one of her perfectly manicured fingernails in his face, and lecture him until he happily took himself out of the situation. Or she’d knee him in the balls.

He was happy to help, but he wasn’t entirely convinced they needed his help. Or that Savannah was telling him the whole story.

“Where are you? I’ll come get her and bring her home.”

“The Marriott on Canal. But she shouldn’t have to leave!” Savannah exclaimed. “She’s having fun with us. And we haven’t seen Daniel in two months.”

Beau agreed that a woman shouldn’t have to leave a space she wanted to be in because a man wouldn’t leave her alone.

“Well, then you can point this guy out to me, and I’ll make sureheleaves. But Becca doesn’t even need to know I’m there.”

Yes, he was testing Savannah.

“No, no. That won’t work,” Savannah replied.

Uh-huh. He’d expected that answer. “Why not?” Beau started his truck.

“Because he’s…a good friend of the groom. They’ll notice if Paul leaves. He won’t want to do that.”

“Then I’ll just be sure hefullyunderstands that he needs to leave her the fuck alone. I can do that without coming inside. Send him out to the hotel lobby. I’ll meet him.”

“But then she’ll be alone.”

“She’ll be with you guys.”

Savannah was telling him everything he needed to know. Savannah wanted Beau thereatthe party with Becca. He didn’t think it was because she was actually concerned about this guy. She didn’t have any kind of panic or worry in her voice.

She was trying to set them up.

Like everyone else they knew.

He should have expected it. Her friends had been the ones to start the entireask Beau his opinion on your Halloween costumesthing had led to him feeling jealous and turned on by Becca in the first place. That had led to them kissing for the first time. That had led to them dating.

He shifted on the truck seat. Going to this party to scare off another guy could be complicated. Because he really wanted to scare off this other guy.

But being there for Becca? Making sure she was safe and had a good time? Yeah, he’d do that.

Which Savannah, Toby, and Daniel knew very well.

“But it’s not the same when we all have dates,” Savannah protested. “She’ll feel left out or like a third wheel. Or a seventh wheel. I want her to have fun tonight and not be worried about some creep being clingy and gross. I want her to relax and be treated like she’s special.”

Damn. Savannah was good. Not only did she truly care about Becca, but she knewhim. She was definitely pushing all the right buttons.

“I’m halfway there,” he admitted. “But I’m in jeans, a t-shirt, and work boots. Not really wedding reception attire.”

“It won’t matter,” Savannah said quickly. “You being here is the important part.” She paused. “But…”

He rolled his eyes, waiting for the rest.

“Sam has an extra button-down shirt you could borrow.”

How convenient. Sam was the only one of the group who was even close to Beau’s size. Daniel was tall but thinner and Toby was both shorter and slimmer. Sam was about the same build as Beau, but he was smaller through the shoulders and arms. No, if there was a shirt in that hotel that was going to fit Beau it was because these people had specifically bought it, knowing this was all going to happen.

Yeah, they’d played it pretty perfectly.