Stepping closer to his hookah pipe, I took off Tannethe’s poison ring and carefully unscrewed its top to reveal a small pile of deadly powder inside. I tapped out all the powdered poison into the bowl of the hookah and mixed it into the crushed flowers using the mouthpiece, careful not to get any powder on my fingers. Stirring it until it was unnoticeable, I put the ring back on my finger and stepped away from the hookah as he entered the room flanked by his harem of wicked concubines.

“Well, well, look who we have here,” Rhazien said in a low voice that sent a chill down my spine. “Where is your valiant prince now?” He chuckled malevolently and motioned for his concubines to circle me, tightening the ring of their harem until I was trapped within its confines. He looked around the room as if searching for Theron before tutting. “I’m disappointed,” Rhazien said with mock disappointment. “I’d wanted to do this in front of Theron. No matter.”

The concubines laughed and sneered as Rhazien approached me. They wore sultry lingerie that clung to their lush bodies, with high heels that clicked on the ground as they walked. Rhazien was clad in an expensive silk coat that shimmered like liquid gold in the torchlight. His dark eyes twinkled with malicious delight as he surveyed me from head to toe. I stood tall, refusing to cower before him. My heart raced in my chest, but I refused to let him know he had any power over me. “What do you want, Rhazien?” I demanded, my voice sharp.

The harem giggled at my boldness, but Rhazien simply smiled. “To see what you’re made of, little whore,” he said, moving closer until he was close enough to touch. “You’ve been quite the distraction for me, you know. I’ve been waiting for this moment for some time.”

I stiffened at his words, my fingers twitching against my poison ring. If he suspected anything, he gave no indication. Instead, he took another step closer, his hand reaching out to brush against my cheek. I wanted to recoil from his touch, but I forced myself to hold steady.

“You won’t get away with this,” I said, my voice unwavering despite the fear that was building inside of me. “Theron will come for me.”

“I’m counting on it.” He stepped closer to me, his eyes glinting with a dangerous kind of pleasure. Rhazien stopped mere inches from me, looking down at me with an expression of pure evil. His black eyes stared into my soul, and I felt fear coursing through my veins like icy water.

“Are you going to beg for mercy?”

“Fuck you,” I spat.

Zija attacked me from behind, one hand on my throat and the other clawing at my face. I pushed her away with all my strength and she snarled like a wild animal as she drew blood with her nails.

I pulled my knife from its sheath, but before I could even think about using it, Rhazien kicked it away somewhere under the bed. With my blade out of reach, I had no choice but to fight with my bare hands. Rhazien advanced on me, raining down blows that seemed never-ending. I fought back as best as I could, ducking and dodging their attacks while trying to escape. But everywhere I looked held only more grasping limbs and stomping feet.

I began to tire, my movements becoming sluggish as I tried to dodge the constant barrage of attacks. Rhazien’s concubines were vicious, their nails sharp and their kicks and strikes precise. Bruises bloomed on my skin, and blood trickled down my face. Rhazien laughed cruelly as he struck out with his fists, landing punches that sent searing pain through my body while Zija threw wild kicks.

“Look how the mighty warrior has fallen,” Rhazien taunted.

I kicked my leg out, connecting with Zija’s knee and sending her stumbling back. The other concubines closed in, but I was quick, sidestepping their grasp and swinging my fist toward Rhazien’s face. He dodged easily, a cruel smile on his lips as he grabbed me by the collar of my dress and slammed me against a wall.

I gasped in pain, momentarily stunned, as he tightened his grip around my throat. Every inch of my body screamed with agony, and I couldn’t catch my breath. One of my ribs was broken. He grasped the front of my dress, ripping the fabric from me and baring my naked body underneath. I gasped in shock and humiliation as they laughed and jeered at me. He kept tearing until I had nothing left covering me. I wiped the blood from my mouth, glaring at him with a quickly swelling eye.

“You’re going to beg for me to fuck you, you little whore.”

Rhazien moved closer, cupping his hand around my sex and pushing his magic into the piercing. An overwhelming wave of pleasure washed over me as if someone had flipped a switch inside my body. My skin tingled with delight, heat radiating from Rhazien’s touch.

I moaned, writing against his palm shamefully. I couldn’t control myself, my hips bucking of their own accord, and I knew at that moment Theron had been telling the truth. Being with him felt nothing likethis. It was like Rhazien was ripping pleasure from me painfully, wringing me like water from a cloth. There was no buildup, or even release. Just waves of unbearable pleasure, and yet I couldn’t help but enjoy it as tears clouded my vision.

“Poor Theron. His whore is so fickle.” Rhazien taunted. “Let’s show him who his little pet really is.”

He nodded to Zija, who grabbed hold of my nipple piercing, ripping it free in a mess of blood. My body shifted, the magical intention leaving once the metal was removed, my breasts returning to their original size. I screamed, so loud my vocal cords tore as she ripped out my other piercings from my nipple and ears.

“Vetia’s horns, her ears are pointed,” Zija said, but I couldn’t pay attention; I was lost in a haze of pain and pleasure. Tears streamed down my face, mixing with the sweat and blood on my skin as Rhazien circled me like a predator, licking my blood from his fingers and delighting in my agony before he unbuckled his belt.

Vivid memories of when I first arrived in Adraedor came rushing back to me like a tide; drowning me. The stench of the mens’ breath, the feel of their stiff hands as they roamed my tiny body, and the sound of taunting male voices. They forced themselves upon me in ways I could barely comprehend. I felt wrong; like an animal was taking over my mind and body and I had no control.

The memories flooded through me in inexorable waves of terror and shame, each more tormenting than the last, mixing with the agonizing sensation of him invading me with his foulness, the vile force that stole away my innocence and left me broken in its wake. The horror of knowing there was nothing I could do to make it stop or escape from this misery inflicted upon me.

Zija’s laughter echoed endlessly through my consciousness like a never-ending nightmare as he took me. Her sadistic pleasure at watching another suffer by their hands; like a twisted spectator to one of their sinister games.

My stomach churned as he grunted. Waves of forced pleasure and shame rolled over me and I vomited, uncaring that it covered me. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I curled into a ball, shuddering with fear and revulsion, unable to take the memories any longer. I screamed out in anguish, trying to expunge them from my soul, but it was too late and he was starting again.

“I told you to beg for mercy,” Rhazien whispered in my ear, his foul breath in my face as he forced himself inside of me once more. I clamped my eyes shut, wanting to scream out at the agony of his touch, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Biting my lip, I tasted the blood that pooled in my mouth while I struggled to resist the urge to throw up again.

Theron will come for me. He’ll come for me... The thought became a mantra, but even that wasn’t enough to pull me from drawing in the onslaught of memories. The pleasure mixing with pain seemed never-ending until I mercifully blacked out.

Chapter 32


Iwokeuptothe sound of Mirijana screaming for help. My heart raced as I leapt out of bed, my body already moving before my mind could even register what was happening. I ran to the doorway and saw Mirijana standing over Kael’s blood-covered and beaten body. Every inch of her was covered in blood, turning her silver hair a dark matted brown. She was barely breathing.