
I scooped Kael up, carrying her to the couch, feeling her broken bones shift under her skin.

“Mirijana, grab my healing plate!” I shouted, my focus solely on Kael. My hands shook as I held her, my anger simmering deep inside me. Never had I witnessed such devastation wreaked on another. It made my skin crawl with wrath.

She stirred, and I cupped her cheek, but she flinched away from my gentle touch. Rage filled me as I realized she couldn’t see. Her eyes were too swollen shut.

“It’s alright,Sihaya,“ I murmured. “You’re safe now.” She whimpered, and the sound tore through me.

Mirijana returned with the healing plate, passing it over to me as tears streamed down her face. “What should I do?” She begged, her hands twisting.

“Towels and hot water. I need to see how bad it is.” She nodded, sprinting out of the suite into the hallway.

Mirijana came back with the steaming towels, and I thanked her before getting to work. My eyes flooded black as I moved over Kael’s body, my magic flowing through her veins as I worked. She groaned in pain, but I kept going, mending her fractured ribs and snapped fingers. Her skin went even paler than usual. She was going into shock.

“You’re not allowed to die, do you hear me?” I said with a ferocity that surprised even me.

Shouting rang through the rest of the castle, but I ignored it, focusing on healing Kael. When I moved to her chest, I saw the torn skin where her piercings had been ripped out. A growl tore from my throat as I swiftly healed her wounds. My hands gently glided over the delicate skin with the healing plate, sending sparks of warmth throughout her body as I worked. The pale pink skin began to knit together, becoming smooth in texture.

“Her ears,” Mirijana said, her voice croaking through the tears streaming down her face.

I checked to find those piercings ripped away too, but that wasn’t all. The shells of her ears were no longer round but tapered to a point like mine.

I held the healing plate over them, being sure to heal every part of her head in case she had a concussion. The damage was so bad that it refused to heal all the way as if her body didn’t have what it needed to replace what it had lost.

When I finished with her head and chest, I moved down to her stomach and a wave of rage flashed through me, so intense I felt disconnected from my body. There was semen spread over her skin amidst the dried blood, her thighs bruised. Someone had violated her in the worst way imaginable.

My jaw clenched as anger roared through me, but I held it inside, my only focus on taking care of Kael. Backed away as if she could feel the intensity rolling off me, but I didn’t give in to my rage. Healing Kael was my priority.

She was my everything.

Finally, after what felt like hours, I finished healing her wounds. Her face was still slightly swollen, but she managed to open one eye and looked up at me in disbelief. Stripping to my breeches, I gathered her into my arms once more, stepping into the tub and bringing her with me. My chest hurt as I slowly washed the blood from her hair, carefully cleaning her limbs until she woke.

“Theron?” She croaked, her vocal cords bruised from being strangled.

“It’s alright,” I soothed, brushing a stray hair away from her face. “You’re safe now.” Mirijana stood by the bath as I wrapped an arm around Kael, and she started to cry.

Kael’s tears tore me apart. I wanted to see her with her eyes flashing with anger or playfulness, not weeping as if her heart had been ripped from her.

I held her to me, never wanting to let go. “I’m so sorry, Kael. I should have been there to protect you.”

She didn’t respond, still crying as if she contained an ocean of tears. Slowly, she pulled away from me, her eyes dull. “It’s not your fault, Theron. This is on me. I did this.”

I looked at her in confusion. “What do you mean?”

Her eyes fluttered shut, her breathing slow and even as she fell asleep.

Mirijana handed me a pair of towels as I stood, water streaming from me. I dried Kael first before laying her in bed.

“Will she be alright?” Her hands hovered over Kael as arranged a blanket over her as if she wished she could do more.

“Her body will heal. She’s just exhausted from her ordeal.”

How long had Rhazien tortured her? Raped her? Icy rage filled me, and I stood methodically walking over to my weapon rack and grabbing my sword.

“Stay here with her,” I ordered, heading toward the door.

“Where are you going?”