“Good to see you too, Raenisa,” Tannethe said, drawing closer. The She-snake was an apt nickname for her. Her long, straight black hair cascaded down her back, bejeweled with tiny silver pins that glittered in the night air. Her golden eyes twinkled with mischief as she winked at me, a sensual smile curling over her lips. I could practically feel the waves of lust radiating from her as she slithered nearer, trying to entice me into playing her game of power and seduction.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Theron.” She murmured, gazing at me with an intensity that made me want to draw my sword. She looked like she wanted to swallow me whole.

“Tannethe,” I said, debating how to respond. Nyana wanted me to court her, but the last thing I wanted was to invite the snake back to my bed. Not that she wasn’t beautiful, she was. But her perfectly coiffed and pampered appearance couldn’t compare to the feral beauty of the concubine beside me. “Are you looking for Rhazien? He was at the head table.” I tightened my arm around Lily’s waist, pulling her close, and for once, she didn’t fight me, instead glancing between us with rapt attention.

“I was searching for you.” She purred. “It’s been years since we’ve seen each other. Remember the last time? In Athain?”

I’d been drunk on the anniversary of my father’s death and she’d come to my suite. I’d left right after I’d come, stumbling to the vanira cave to sleep beside Vaernix. Even then I knew better than to be vulnerable near the She-snake.

“Not really,” I said and Raenisa snorted.

Tannethe shot her a venomous look before smiling. “Then you’ll need a reminder. I’m game whenever you are.” She ran a finger down my chest before turning and slinking away after her brothers.

“Not that it wasn’t hilarious,” Raenisa started. “But is it wise to snub her after what Nyana said?”

I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter, remember? Our focus is on finding Striker.”

Lily stiffened beside me, and I spun to find Rhazien behind me.

“I may have some information for you then, brother.” He grinned. “For the right price, of course.”

Chapter 8


Ifoughttokeepmy expression neutral as the Beast leaned closer, the scent of Areca smoke overwhelming. My hand itched for my weapon. I could kill him right now, take his head off in one fell swipe with my blade. But I didn’t have my beloved sword and it would be suicide. I was supposed to get out clean, if possible.

“What do you want in exchange?” Theron asked, his tone nonchalant. I’d have believed it if he wasn’t gripping my waist tight, his fingers digging in below my golden ribcage.

“Isn’t it obvious? For you to be in the desert and stop fucking up my plans.”

“By that logic, you’d lie to me and send me on a wild chase to keep me in the sands longer.” The new elf, the one he called ‘Oz,’ nodded in agreement.

“Do you think Striker is only a poor reflection on you?” Rhazien said. “I’ve been ramping up patrols for the last four months to catch him before this visit for a reason.”

It had been worse recently, making it almost impossible to sneak people out. I hadn’t realized it coincided with an event.

“What do you know?” Theron asked, his thumb tracing my bare skin absentmindedly. A shiver worked its way through me, a pulse of heat low in my stomach. Rage followed quickly after. His fucking piercing was messing with my head. It didn’t seem to work when he wasn’t near me, but when he was, I was drawn to him. My body came alive in ways that it never had before.

“You sent Zerek in the wrong direction. They’re not in Sailtown.”


“We’ve been all over the south. We can’t find them.”

“I have an informant that says they have an established camp in the Red Wilds.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck. We had two camps, one in the wilds and another through the Bone Gap. Somehow, they’d found the first.

“Where exactly?” Raenisa asked, squinting at him. Herrath looked like he wanted to melt into the floor, his eyes cast away from the pair of brothers. Interesting.

“Dance with me and I’ll tell you.” Rhazien offered his hand, palm up, to Raenisa.

“Not happening.” She growled, looking at him as if it were a viper ready to strike. “I need to use the bathroom. Excuse me.”

“Take Lily with you,” Theron said, giving me a push toward her.

“What?” No, I wanted to hear if they knew where our base was and who the informant was.