“Come on,” Raenisa grabbed my wrist, tugging me away with her to the back of the ballroom.

We made our way to the bathrooms, set deep into the side of the mountain. Intricate carvings with reliefs of wild creatures and Thanja, the goddess of nature, and Atar’s wife, tending to them, covered the walls. The floor was composed of colorful tiles that formed a mosaic of the night sky that glittered in the dim light from the small lanterns that hung from sconces on every wall. Marble countertops gleamed beneath gold-rimmed mirrors that reflected us as we walked by. Sleek golden faucets adorned stone sinks, water pouring out in a steady stream before collecting in carved basins at the bottom. Liters of water cascaded down into nothingness while my people suffered with only drops to drink back in the slave quarter. Disgusting.

Raenisa splashed water on her face, pressing a towel to it and groaning. “Ydonja’s tits, this week can’t end soon enough.”

I said nothing, just watching her for a moment. She reminded me of Orya’s sister, Roza, fierce with zero tolerance for bullshit, but not nearly as bitchy as the Sirin Remnant. If she’d been a slave, we might have been friends.

“You all seem pretty obsessed with Striker. I heard he was just a myth.” I leaned against the sink, feigning nonchalance as I picked at my skirt.

“Nope. He’s very much real. He killed our best friend, Calyx, and almost took out Theron on the same night he stole his sword. We’ve been trying to find him for years.”

I made a non-committal noise in my throat. I didn’t remember killing a Harvestman, but it could have happened. “You can go ahead. I’ll meet you in a minute.” After I snuck out of the party and into Rhazien’s suite.

“Yeah, right. I might think Theron’s an idiot for keeping you, but I’m not going to let him down by letting you run off.”

I sneered, ready to lay into her when Tannethe strode inside, her expression twisting into a sinister smile when she saw us.

“What a pleasant surprise to see the two of you here together,” Tannethe hissed. “I didn’t know Theron’s playthings were friends.”

“Plaything? Hardly,” Raenisa made a face. “Try second-in-command, bitch.”

“Oh, is that the new term for it now?” The She-snake asked with a sly grin. “Regardless of the name, everyone knows he owns you, just like that little concubine.” She flicked a finger at me.

My back straightened, and my head rose. “No one owns me.”

She laughed like I was being naïve. “You’re a slave. That’s your entire purpose.”

I kept my gaze on her steady, refusing to let this woman scare me. I spotted two rings that could be used for poison, but nothing else under her slinky gold dress. Kadir had given me both protection and weapons in my outfit. I could kill her if it came to it.

“Better to be forced into service than willingly submit.” My fingers drifted over my electrum collar for a moment. “You’re being traded for a crown. One you won’t even wear. And you’re out here dying to spread your legs for him? Worrying about a slave? Pathetic.”

Raenisa burst into laughter as Tannethe’s porcelain skin reddened, her lovely features twisting into an ugly mask.

“How dare you speak to me like that?” She advanced on me, her hand raised to strike. Raenisa stepped in front of me as I reached to pull out the needles concealed in my hair.

“Leave, Tannethe. Before you really fuck up.”

“I won the last time we sparred.” She said, her lips flattened in a scowl.

“Before they trained me in the Niothe.” Raenisa reminded her. “Don’t tempt me.”

“I won’t forget this.” The She-snake hissed, turning on a sharp heel and walking out.

“‘I won’t forget this,’” Raenisa mocked the empty doorway. “Speaking to a Taelyr about holding a grudge? The power-hungry snakes.”

I stared at her, fighting the desire to laugh. She was one of my sworn enemies, the oppressors of my people. A slave-catcher. It was strange seeing her as a normal person... In another life, she might have been a fellow rebel. Someone I’d enjoy being on watch with because she always had a joke at hand. I shook my head. This wasn’t my fight. I had one mission—to kill the Beast and get out. These confusing feelings wouldn’t be a problem after that.

“Well, that was entertaining.” A rasping female voice sounded from behind me. There was more room in this bathroom? Sithos’ icy balls. This was wasteful.

“Caelia!” Raenisa said brightly, her hand flying to her hair. “Um. How are you?” The same female warrior from yesterday started forward, her short hair a mess of spikes and curls. She didn’t wear a dress, instead favoring a green and gold brocade vest and fawn-colored breeches with tall boots.

“You mean after that bitch’s brother poisoned me? I’m fine. Xadrian figured it out quickly. In time for me to see Theron win this one here.” She came forward, her gaze lingering on my curves in blatant perusal. I glared back at her, uninterested. “I would have picked her too. Like a woman with a smart mouth.” She gave me an inviting smile, and I scowled at her.

Her laugh was like a crow’s caw, with an edge of human glee. “Don’t worry, flower. I’ll keep my hands to myself.”

Raenisa bit her lip. “Want to go grab a table? Theron will find us.”

“So you’re not pretending to court him anymore?” Caelia said, raising a brow.